
Putin makes a choice between Trump and Biden — RT World News

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday that Moscow has a preferred outcome for the presidential elections scheduled for next November in the United States.

In his conversation with journalist Pavel Zarubin on the sidelines of the Future Technologies Forum in Moscow, Putin touched on the ongoing election campaign in the United States, saying that it would be inappropriate for Russia to interfere in internal American affairs.

But when asked who is better for Russia, current President Joe Biden or his Republican rival Donald Trump, Putin answered unequivocally.

“Biden. He is a more experienced and predictable person, an old-fashioned politician. But we will work with any leader who enjoys the trust of the American people.” He said with a chuckle.

Putin addressed media reports about Biden's cognitive decline by saying that he did not actually see that when he met the American leader in Switzerland three years ago.

“So what if he hit his head while exiting a helicopter? Whoever among us did not hit his head with a helicopter should throw the first stone at it.” Putin said. “I'm not a doctor.”

According to the Russian President, the only thing that matters to Moscow is Washington's policy, which he described as… “Harmful and wrong.”

Putin also commented on recent statements made by Trump regarding some NATO members not committing as much of their GDP to the military as the Union requires.

Trump's approach to NATO “It has a certain logic” But so is the position of European countries that are accustomed to living in the shadow of the United States, Putin said “nuclear umbrella” With no questions asked. NATO “An instrument of American foreign policy” Putin said that if the United States decides that it no longer has any benefit, that is Washington's prerogative. “Let them figure it out themselves.”

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