
Recent research: Vegetarian diet may reduce post-menopausal hot flashes | Mirror

Prepare menopause A natural transitional stage in every woman's life, but this stage is associated with a condition known as “hot flashes” in more than 80% of women, in which a woman feels hot, accompanied by sweating and facial redness.Lasts for 30 seconds to 10 minutes, affecting the body's quality of life andSleep quality.

Switch to a vegetarian diet

Studies show that women with hot flashes are at increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease, prompting most of them to take medication and some to turn to medication for hormone therapy This carries potential risks of breast cancer and stroke.

According to a new study, a vegetarian diet containing adequate amounts of soy can enhance hormonal balance and reduce hot flashes by up to 95%.

The study, published in December 2023 in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Medicine, showed that a vegetarian diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and soy could promote changes in the gut microbiota that could reduce hot flashes.

Scientific evidence demonstrating the impact of dietary choices on women’s health and relief of menopausal symptoms (PEXLS)

The study was conducted on 84 menopausal women who experienced two or more hot flashes per day. They were divided into two groups, one of which followed a low-fat vegetarian diet that included half a cup of cooked soybeans (86 grams) per day. In addition, a subgroup of 11 women underwent gut microbiome analysis using metagenomic sequencing (a molecular tool used to analyze mixed genomic material extracted from environmental samples) at the beginning of the study and for 12 weeks after the vegetarian diet.

Participants recorded the severity and frequency of hot flashes via a phone app, and at the end of the study, the researchers found differences in the gut microbiome between the two groups, as the groups had higher levels of Porphyromonas and Prevotella. A decrease in relative abundance follows a vegetarian diet, which helps reduce daytime hot flashes. They also found a reduction in the relative abundance of Clostridium bacteria, which in turn helped reduce nighttime hot flashes, with study participants losing the equivalent of a 3kg weight gain over the 12 weeks of the study.

Overall, the researchers found that the plant-based diet reduced overall hot flashes by 95%, severe hot flashes completely disappeared, daytime hot flashes were reduced by 96%, and nighttime hot flashes were reduced by 94%.

Obesity worsens menopausal symptoms

Dr. Hana Kaliova, director of clinical research and lead author of the study, speculates that following a balanced vegetarian diet while avoiding animal protein and high-fat dairy products could help manage menopausal symptoms. She explained that one of the reasons she wanted it was because research showed that obesity increases the risk of hot flashes, while a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of both conditions.

Kaliova adds that soy-containing vegetarian meals are rich in fiber and compounds like isoflavones and daidzein, which promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and help stabilize estrogen levels, thereby reducing hot flashes. Avoiding meat can also help reduce the growth of intestinal flora. Bacteria associated with increased inflammation.

Kaliova explained that the reduction in Clostridium counts explains the impact of a plant-based diet on heart health and provides a possible link between hot flashes and cardiovascular disease.

"Spanish secrets" For a longer, healthier life, plant-based diet, green food, green food
Study shows vegetarian diet can reduce hot flashes, but that doesn't mean avoiding animal products (DW)

According to the official newspaper of the International Menopause Society, there is other evidence that dietary choices have an impact on women's health and relief from menopausal symptoms, including a large study of women living in Japan in the 1980s that showed hot flashes had a reduced compared with women in Western countries. Other Asian countries have reported similar results.

This is due to dietary differences and traditional diets in these regions, which focus on plant-based substances such as rice, vegetables and soybeans, the newspaper reported.

In 2018, the Scientific Research Portal published the results of a scientific study involving more than 750 women aged 45 to 80 who reported fewer hot flashes in those who relied on a vegetarian diet.

Eating more vegetables and fruits can reduce menopausal symptoms!
More than 80% of women go through menopause and experience “hot flashes” (DW)

Lots of vegetables, little meat

These findings suggest the role of a vegetarian diet in reducing hot flashes, but they don't mean avoiding animal products altogether. This is confirmed to Healthline by women's nutrition expert Amy Braganini, who explains that a vegetarian diet has many health benefits, and similarly, lean meat is also a source of protein, vitamins and minerals. sources, which is why a balance should be struck between them.

According to Braganini, more soy (phytoestrogens) should be added to the diet to reduce hot flashes, such as:

  • Edamame (Green beans): Steamed and sprinkled with a little salt to serve as an appetizer.
  • Soy milk: It can be added to fresh fruits to obtain useful and delicious juices.
  • Soy Nuts: It is a snack rich in fiber and protein.
Soy milk and breast cancer
More soy (phytoestrogens) should be added to the diet to reduce hot flashes (Getty Images)

Other Nutritional Guidelines

In general, experts recommend following a healthy lifestyle and avoiding obesity, taking into account the following factors:

  • Avoid soft drinks and caffeine, especially before bed.
  • Cut back on spicy food.
  • Drink enough water during the day (8 glasses recommended).
  • Promote calcium-rich foods.
  • Limit processed foods containing nitrates and foods high in fat and sugar.

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