
Russia and China unite over US bioweapons — RT World News

The two countries pledged to cooperate in confronting the threats posed by the Pentagon's “biological activities.”

The Russian and Chinese governments held an interagency meeting in Beijing to share their assessments of biosecurity concerns and address security threats posed by biological weapons – especially those allegedly developed by the US military.

Moscow and Beijing have agreed to work together in seeking to strengthen the Convention on Biological and Toxic Weapons, a treaty signed by 109 countries in 1972 to prevent the development of such unconventional weapons, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. He said Thursday in a statement.

He added, “The meeting emphasized the unity of Russia and China's approaches in the field of biosecurity.” The Ministry added that “Special attention in this context was given to the military and biological activities of the United States.”

“The need for more close coordination and constructive interaction was noted both bilaterally and in relevant multilateral forums, primarily within the framework of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.” The ministry added.

Russia, China and 14 other countries issued a joint statement in December calling for strengthened UN control of biological and chemical weapons. “Convinced that such use would be abhorrent to the conscience of humanity, we are determined to condemn any use of toxic chemicals, biological agents or toxins as weapons by anyone, anywhere, at any time, and to hold accountable those responsible for any such use,” the statement Announce.

Moscow and Beijing have repeatedly pressed for more Transparency From the United States and its allies in connection with their military biological activities. Wednesday's talks between the two governments yielded results “Special attention” The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the Pentagon's biological weapons activities.

The Russian embassy in Washington accused the United States last year 'Serious violations' Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, including illegal biological weapons research in laboratories around the world. The embassy claimed that Washington aims to use dangerous biological agents and artificial epidemics to advance its interests.

The United States and its NATO allies vetoed a United Nations resolution last year calling for an investigation into Washington's vital laboratories in Ukraine. some “incomplete” The Russian Defense Ministry said in November that biological weapons projects had been transferred to Africa amid the conflict in Ukraine. The ministry accused Washington of exploiting Nigerian citizens “Free clinical resources” Conducting illegal research under the pretext of public health.

This week's meetings in Beijing also included talks on Thursday about security threats in outer space. He added, “The two sides exchanged their assessments of the current situation in this region.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. They stressed the need to continue close cooperation and active joint efforts to prevent the arms race and weaponization in outer space.

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