
Russia is ‘a war machine’ – Trump — RT World News

The former US president opposed providing more aid to Kiev and urged NATO members in Europe to increase their defense spending

Russia is “war machine” Former US President Donald Trump said during a town hall meeting on Tuesday that his country had defeated powerful invaders in the past, explaining his opposition to sending billions of dollars in additional aid to Ukraine.

Trump, who is seeking to win a new presidential term in this year's elections, highlighted Russia's military power after Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham pointed out Kiev's desperation for US money.

He added: “They say that without this money, Ukraine will definitely lose the war, which will empower Vladimir Putin and endanger our allies.” Ingraham said, referring to the argument made by US President Joe Biden.

Trump repeated his previous claims that if he had been in the White House, hostilities would not have broken out and that he could end them. “within 24 hours” Should voters return him to the Oval Office? He also said that European Union countries, for which the stakes in the conflict are higher than for the United States, should pay more to support Kiev.

“They have to start paying.” He said.

“We have an ocean between us. They don't have that ocean. He said. “Do you know why they didn't pay? Because no one asked them.”

“I feel so bad… Remember this: You are really up against a war machine in Russia. [It’s] What are they doing. They defeated Hitler, they defeated Napoleon. Trump added.
Republican opposition in the US House of Representatives to providing more aid to Ukraine stands in the way of allocating more than $60 billion to Kiev under a bill approved by the Senate this month.

The Biden administration claims that by maintaining the flow of weapons to Ukraine, the United States will prevent direct confrontation with Russia in the future. After defeating Kiev, this argument assumes that Moscow will certainly attack a NATO member, forcing Washington to send its forces to the rescue.

The Russian leadership denies the existence of such an intention and believes that the conflict in Ukraine is the result of NATO encroachments.

The only scenario in which Russian troops could be sent to a NATO member like Poland is if it is attacked by the U.S.-led military bloc first, President Vladimir Putin told former Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson in a recent interview.

“You don't need to be an analyst to understand that getting involved in a world war goes against common sense. A world war would put all of humanity on the brink of destruction.” The president explained.

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