
Samsung connects its IoT platform to Kia and Hyundai car tech

Korean electronics giant announced Samsung Electronics has partnered with South Korean automaker giant Hyundai Motor Group to connect Samsung's IoT platform (SmartThings/Smart Things) to Hyundai and Kia vehicles equipped with internet connectivity, dpa reported.

The two companies signed a memorandum of understanding last week to develop future lifestyle solutions that combine smart home devices with connected cars.

Samsung said in a statement that the two companies will jointly develop a new generation of smart home technology, connect the SmartThings platform with connected Hyundai and Kia vehicles, including electric vehicles, and develop “Home to Car” and “Car to Car” ” In addition to integrated services, “home” services. Manage home energy systems.

It is worth noting that the “home to car” and “car to home” services connect smart home devices with the information technology system in the car, allowing users to control home appliances through the car and control the appliances in the car through home devices.

Through the Smart Things platform, users can perform various car-related tasks at home, such as starting the car, controlling the air conditioner, opening and closing the windows, and checking the battery level.

2021 Kia Sportage
Through the “Smart Things” platform, users can perform various car-related tasks at home (Kia)

In the car, they can also control household appliances such as TVs, air conditioners, and electric vehicle chargers.

SmartThings can also allow users to operate multiple devices (including cars) simultaneously with a single command, changing their surroundings with to-do lists titled “Morning Routine” or “Home Routine.”

For example, when a Samsung smartphone wakes up with an alarm in the morning and the user turns off the alarm, the curtains automatically open and the lights and TV turn on.

When the user leaves home for work, the car adjusts to the right temperature and the smartphone or home TV screen displays important information, such as the charge level of the car's battery (if it's an electric car) and how far it can travel. Needs to be charged before traveling.

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