
Settlers attack villages, occupation forces launch arrest operation in West Bank

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian village bank of the westAt the same time, Israeli occupying forces raided some villages and cities, wounding and arresting some Palestinian youths.a nickname at the same time jenin camp Two of its leaders had earlier been martyred in confrontations with occupying forces.

An Al Jazeera reporter reported that settlers attacked the village of Jaroud in the south of the city Nablus In the northern West Bank, they attacked residents and burned some of their cars.

Last Thursday night, settlers closed the main entrance to the town of Deir Barut, west of Salfit.

Some settlers gathered around a military checkpoint set up at the entrance to the town and sealed the entrance with stones under the protection of Israeli occupation soldiers.

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that settlers, protected by the occupying forces, also attacked the town of Bidiya, west of Salfit, where they also set up mobile homes on the town’s land, hindering citizens in the town. action. , and attacked some of them while they were traveling in vehicles.

And in the south Hebron Yesterday, Thursday, settlers, backed by occupation forces, attacked the houses of residents of the village of Masafer Yatta.

Wafa said occupying forces raided the house of a young man and his brother in the village, beating and insulting their family members and threatening to kill one of them soon before arresting him.

storms and arrests

In the same context, Palestinian media stated that a large force of occupying forces attacked the southwestern town of Araba embryo On the west coast.

Witnesses said clashes broke out immediately, with members of the Palestinian resistance shooting at the occupying forces and throwing homemade bombs.

Yesterday evening, Thursday, the occupying forces attacked Araba and fired bullets, stun grenades and tear gas at citizens and their homes. A young man was injured by the occupying forces’ bullets.

Occupation forces also attacked the Al Ain Sultan camp in the city of Abu Dhabi at dawn on Friday. JerichoThey filled the streets, firing stun grenades and poison gas at citizens.

Dozens of Palestinians were also injured from suffocation during dawn confrontations with Israeli occupying forces in the town of Betuniya, west of Israel, on Friday. Ramallah.

Occupying forces attacked the town and fired gas bombs at residents who had gathered near the Ofer military prison to receive prisoners released as part of an exchange agreement.

In related circumstances, occupying forces arrested a young man at a military checkpoint set up suddenly between the town of Ya`bad and the village of Ya`bad in south-western Jenin, detained his brother and interrogated him before placing him freed. Tula. They also arrested another young man from the town of Maitalen, south of Jenin, at a military checkpoint near Tubas.

Occupation forces also attacked the town of Kafin, north of Tulkarem, deploying dog patrols on foot in the center of the town and conducting extensive search operations in neighborhoods and streets.

Israeli occupying forces launch daily onslaughts on villages and towns across the West Bank, accompanied by confrontations, arrests, shooting and tear gas canisters at Palestinians.

After Israel launched war on the Gaza Strip on October 7, arrests in the West Bank escalated, with the number of detainees reaching 3,390 Palestinians.

Martyrs Obituary

In related events, Camp Jenin mourns Holy City Brigade military wingIslamic Jihad Movement Its leaders are Mohammad Zubaidi and Wissam Hanun.

Zubaidi and Hanoun were martyred in a confrontation with occupying forces on Wednesday the day before yesterday.

“Killing our leaders and jihadists will only strengthen our strength and resolve,” the battalion said in a statement, stressing its renewed commitment to continue the path of jihad towards victory or martyrdom.

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