
The Crab Nebula… reveals more about what Muslim scientists are talking about


Astronomers have announced that they have captured a new image of the Crab Nebula with the James Webb Space Telescope, one of the most famous objects in the sky to astronomy experts and amateurs who observe it with small telescopes.

New images taken by the NERCAM and MIRI cameras show new details of the nebula, with ionized sulfur appearing orange-red, ionized iron appearing blue, and dust appearing yellow, white and green.

James Webb was able to use tools such as “Hubble“Because it operates in the infrared range, this allows the telescope to penetrate dust clouds and monitor what is happening in their background.

To approximate, this is similar to someone going to the hospital with a broken hip and he receives treatment

From left: 2005 Hubble Telescope image, from right: 2023 James Webb Telescope image (NASA)

cancer center star

In addition, James Webb emphasized so-called “synchrotron radiation,” an emission produced by the movement of charged particles around the magnetic field lines of a neutron star located at the center of the nebula, which rotates very rapidly around itself. In James Webb’s image, it appears as swirling smoke within the Crab Nebula.

Winds from the pulsar at the center of the nebula push envelopes of gas and dust quickly outward, so the filaments that make up the nebula tend to be longer toward the center, according to a statement from the James Webb Telescope Platform. The upper right side of the nebula is moving in the same direction as the pulsar.

The star is the remnant of another giant star, dozens of times larger than the sun. It lived in this place thousands of years ago, then collapsed and exploded, producing a huge supernova. This is what we see now as the Crab Nebula, the remnant of its core is a very small neutron star. It is only about 20 kilometers in diameter and more massive than the sun. The following video included in the announcement will take viewers on a journey into the depths of the Crab Nebula.

Books of Ibn Abi Usaybah

The star’s explosion on Earth was observed in several areas in 1054, and it appears in some Chinese records, where Yang Wei, one of the Chinese court astronomers, regarded it as an unusually bright star on Earth. horizon. Known as the guest star, it continued to shine like the full moon for 23 days. One day, he disappeared.

This was also witnessed by some scholars in the Islamic world at that time. Here we mention the famous historian Ibn Abi Usayba’a (died 1270 AD) in his book “Tabaqat Physicians” , narrated on the authority of Dr. Al. -Mukhtar ibn Batlan (died 1066 AD) believed that in 446 AH (equivalent to 1054 AD) the water level of the Nile was low and an unusually bright star appeared in the sky Star.

But the first person to observe the Crab Nebula was the British astronomer John Bevis, who in 1731 aimed a large telescope at that region of the constellation Taurus and discovered a beautiful nebula that later became known as the “Crab Nebula.” . This is the first time we humans have recorded the observation of a supernova remnant.

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