
The US and France are playing good cop, bad cop with Ukraine’s attacks on Russia — RT World News

Washington insists it does not “support or enable” Kiev's deep strikes, while Paris says they are legitimate.

“It has been our policy from day one, when it comes to Ukraine, to do everything we can to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression. At the same time, we have neither supported nor enabled strikes against Ukraine outside its territory.” US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken He said While he was standing next to his French counterpart in Paris a few days ago, following the Ukrainian drone attack on the Nizhnekamsk oil refinery in Tatarstan, which is responsible for more than 6% of Russian oil production.

He added: “Ukraine is acting within the framework of legitimate defense. We consider Russia the aggressor. Accordingly, there can be no further comments.” French Foreign Minister Stephane Ségourne said about the incident, attributing it to the refinery being a military target, although its oil production as one of the five largest such facilities in the country appears to be very important for civilians.

The United Nations generally condemned it “All attacks on civilian infrastructure” Without getting bogged down in the debate about whether this particular target was legitimately military or civilian. This is a matter for international law to decide years from now, if ever. France could have said something like that, but instead decided to provide all support for this new escalation involving attacks deep into Russian territory – even when the goal is not overtly and unambiguously military, or at least in the absence of any attack. Evidence from Paris as to why it is classified as such.

Why is France so keen to encourage strikes inside Russia while standing by Blinken, if the US truly condemns them? The answer is that the United States may not actually do so. Just ask the Ukrainians. He added, “Flights are determined in advance with our allies, and the planes follow the flight plan to enable us to hit targets with meters accuracy.” An unnamed Ukrainian source Tell CNN reports a drone attack on Nizhnekamsk and Russia's massive Rosneft Ryazan refinery, both hundreds of kilometers from the front line in the Ukrainian conflict.

Of course, there's always the possibility that the CNN report isn't specifically talking about the United States — just its Western allies — and the Pentagon has absolutely nothing to do with this targeting, and its hands are completely clean. However, Ukrainian sources splurge To press again in February 2023, on “My dad lets me play with these amazing rockets.” Somehow, they told The Washington Post, they were getting the coordinates for American-made missile attacks from Washington and its allies. Even an American official confirmed this. “Ukrainian forces never fired advanced weapons without specific coordinates provided by U.S. military personnel from a base elsewhere in Europe,” a senior Ukrainian official said. According to the post. Is this different now? Or is Washington just hoping to create a smokescreen by using its allies and corporate language to evade responsibility?

The newspaper A “Senior American official” Who confirmed that the role is strict “Advisor”. It sounds like that when Blinken says the United States doesn't either “Supports and does not enable” Strikes. If Washington happens to leave HIMARS or drone coordinates lying around where you can see them, don't use them to blow things up, okay?

Some people's parents don't do that “Support or empowerment” They also use drugs or alcohol, but then tell their kids that if they have to, and they will anyway, just do it in the garage where they can be supervised. The gentle paternal supervision of the United States and its allies here in Kiev. An audio recording intercepted by Russian intelligence was leaked last February of German air force officers planning to help the Ukrainians target the Crimean Bridge with drones, which, unlike the refineries, is an undisputed civilian target. One of their most notable ideas was how they could do this without leaving any German fingerprints. Of course, Washington would never entertain such ideas.

We constantly hear how Washington does not want Russian refineries to be hit because that risks raising global oil prices, especially if Russia retaliates proportionately. Yes, this seems perfectly legitimate in light of all the US-led energy market liberalizations that have occurred so far as a result of the Ukraine conflict, including the mysterious explosion of the Nord Stream gas pipeline from Russia to Europe. Washington seems genuinely divided on that, and on the EU now being overly reliant on US LNG instead. How absolutely terrible it would be if oil prices soared due to Ukrainian drone hoaxes at a time when there are so many headlines about American oil. exports Will it reach record levels after becoming the largest oil producer in the world?

This latest performance in Paris by Blinken and Sigourn is on par with French President Emmanuel Macron's recent Napoleonic musings about sending French troops to fight Russia while he put together a storm of mesmerizing shots with a punching bag. If there is one country whose recent rhetoric makes the United States seem almost peaceful by comparison at the moment, it is France. It's like someone with a mild drinking problem hanging out with an angry alcoholic who seems reasonable by comparison.

Blinken flying to this press conference in Paris looked like an actor traveling to be on set. Maybe they could record this new buddy movie and bring it to next year's Oscars, where fellow actor Vladimir Zelensky could introduce it. Throw in more shots of Macron getting ready to fight Vladimir Putin with the help of a Photoshop trainer, and Blinken holding a punching bag and talking about how crazy Macron is for wanting to go to Russia and break down doors against Blinken's advice.

There definitely seems to be something up with these two. Since when has Paris stood up to Washington like Seghorn just did to Blinken, and hinted that Ukraine could risk escalation inside Russia now? Unless Washington is actually completely comfortable with that. It would be nice to know what the United States is offering France in exchange for playing bad cop, or whether France is stupid enough to do so for free.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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