
They paid part of the price. Al-Dahdouh recounts Gaza journalists' suffering after 100 days of war | News

Al Jazeera reporter said: Gaza Wael Dahedu The current war is unprecedented, with the emphasis on destruction and the number of martyrs setting a precedent in the history of Israel's war in the Gaza Strip, and for the first time, journalists are part of the bill of war.

Dahedu, who lost his wife, two sons, a daughter and grandson in the war, stressed that journalists were part of the high price paid by the people and that this was the first time that so many journalists (112 martyrs) had fallen .

He also noted that this was the first time a journalist's family had been directly or indirectly killed, calling the incident “very costly and horrific.”

He added: “The journalist pays a double price in this war because he is either a victim or his family makes headlines. Furthermore, he lives the life that people live under bombing without any of the necessities of life or work .” “

Dahedu said this was the first time journalists had experienced such a tragic situation, noting that journalists, like everyone else, were queuing up to receive water, bread and even some logistical supplies to continue their work.

Despite the difficult situation; Dahdu said the situation gave Palestinian journalists a unique character in this war.

Continuous determination

Dadouh described the situation of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip after 100 days of war as a “continued state of determination” and said people had no choice but to face and live with the reality of this painful and costly war. Not just for the martyrs, but also for the living.

He added that residents of the Gaza Strip have yet to witness the suffering that Israel has caused them by completely cutting off water, food, electricity and fuel during the recent war.

He also spoke of the unprecedented displacement experienced by residents of the Gaza Strip, as two-thirds of the population are displaced in streets, hospitals and schools without the minimum requirements to ensure survival.

He concluded that people had no choice but to stand firm in the face of gunfire from occupying forces who sought to uproot them from their land.

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