
Today, international judicial bodies begin reviewing South Africa's lawsuit against Israel

complex international court of justice The first meeting to consider the request will be held today, Thursday, in The Hague South Africa Judge Israel for its crimes genocide Palestinian rights Gaza Strip.

Israel agreed to appear in court to refute what it called “ridiculous accusations that lack any factual or legal basis.”

But Hebrew media confirmed that Israeli security agencies and prosecutors are very worried that the International Court of Justice will accuse Israel of genocide.

The hearing will address South Africa's demand for emergency measures and force Israel to suspend military operations in Gaza while the court considers the merits of the case, a process that could take years.

In the 84-page lawsuit, South Africa cited Israel's failure to provide Gaza residents with basic food, water, medicine, fuel, shelter and other humanitarian aid.

She also mentioned that the ongoing bombing campaign has destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes, forced some 1.9 million Palestinians to flee, and killed 23,000 people, according to Gaza health authorities.

A jury of 17 judges, including two from Israel and South Africa, will hear three hours of arguments from both sides. A ruling on the interim measures is expected later this month. The ICJ's rulings are binding, but the court has no power to enforce them.

To demonstrate the significance of the word genocide, Israel sent a former Supreme Court judge who survived the Holocaust, which occurred before the Genocide Convention was signed.South Africa will appoint a judge who spent 10 years as a young man on Robben Island, where he befriended the former South African president Nelson Mandela.

Another court in The Hague is investigating international criminal courtSeparate accusations of atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank and an October 7 attack on Israel were made, but no suspects were named. Israel is not a member of the ICC and refuses to accept its jurisdiction.

blaming each other

“Our rejection of the ongoing massacre against the people of Gaza has prompted us as a country to resort to the International Court of Justice,” South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Wednesday.

He added, “As a people who have suffered from dispossession, discrimination, racism and state-sponsored violence, we know we will be on the right side of history.”

On the other hand, Israeli government spokesman Elon Levy said on Wednesday, “Tomorrow (Thursday), the State of Israel will appear before the International Court of Justice to refute the ridiculous lies of bloodshed launched by South Africa, with Pretoria providing political and legal cover.” (Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement) Hamas regime. “Rapist.” “

Arabic support

The League of Arab States affirms its full support and recognition of South Africa's lawsuit against Israel for genocide and violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention, and expresses its desire to make a fair ruling to stop the war of aggression against the Gaza Strip and end the bloodshed in Palestine.

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said in a press statement that the Arab League General Secretariat supports South Africa's efforts in every possible way and is ready to provide things that will benefit the Palestinian cause and strengthen the Palestinian position, adding that this It is an important step not only to achieve a ceasefire, but also to hold Israel accountable for its occupation.

Against this background, the Libyan Presidential Council yesterday announced its support for the lawsuit against Israel and affirmed in a statement its full support for the steps taken by South Africa against the Palestinian people and the unprecedented genocide that the Palestinian people are suffering. Israeli occupation.

As for Tunisia, it said it would not join any proceedings brought against Israel “due to implicit recognition of that entity”, but it confirmed it would present oral arguments.

Yesterday, on Wednesday, dozens of Palestinians gathered in Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, to “thank” South Africa for bringing the case to the International Court of Justice.

“We feel that South Africa has been heard,” Ramallah Mayor Issa Kassis told the crowd in front of the 6-meter-tall Nelson Mandela statue donated by the Johannesburg Municipality (South Africa) in 2016. Our hearts are heard, our pain is heard.”

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