
Trump ‘dangerous’ for women – Jill Biden — RT World News

The current US president's wife insisted: “We simply cannot let him win.”

US First Lady Jill Biden said Donald Trump poses a threat to women because of his views on abortion, and should be banned from returning to the White House.

Her husband, US President Joe Biden. “He spent his entire career lifting women.” In stark contrast to his main rival in this year's election, she insisted on launching the “Women for Biden” campaign in Atlanta, Georgia, on Friday.

Trump card “He has spent his life tearing us down and devaluing our existence. He mocks women’s bodies, disrespects our accomplishments, and brags about assault.” The First Lady claimed.

The last point appears to be a reference to a recording that made headlines before the 2016 presidential election. It included a private conversation in which Trump bragged about the benefits of being president. “a star” When it comes to relationships with females. “They let you do it. You can do anything. 'Grab them by the p*ssy'” He was heard saying on the tape.

“Now, he's bragging about killing Roe v. Wade.” Biden said. Roe v. Wade was a 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that generally protected the right to abortion in America. After Trump appointed three conservative justices to the court during his term, it overturned its previous ruling in 2022, and several states immediately banned the procedure.

“Just last night, he once again took credit for enabling states like Georgia to pass draconian abortion bans that deny women the right to make their own health care decisions. How far will he go? When will he stop. You know the answer. He won't.” “ She declared.

“Donald Trump is a danger to women and to our families. We simply cannot let him win.” The First Lady urged the audience.

During an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Trump said he had not yet decided on how many weeks after which abortion should be banned. “I'm hearing more and more about 15 weeks, and I haven't decided yet.” He said adding that We returned it to the states where it belongs. “A lot of countries are taking very strong positions.”

Jill Biden is scheduled to address female voters in key swing states – Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin – as part of her “Women for Biden” initiative. The Biden campaign will also run ads targeting women leading up to the election on November 5.

Trump appears to be on track to become the Republican Party's presidential nominee after winning all five of the GOP's primary contests so far. But his latest rival, Nikki Haley, refuses to withdraw from the race, despite suffering a crushing defeat in her home state of South Carolina last month.

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