
Trump names potential running mate — RT World News

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott joins a shortlist that includes longtime allies, former rivals and a former Democrat.

Former US President Donald Trump said he would do so “think too much” Texas Governor Greg Abbott is a running mate in this year's presidential election. The Republican front-runner said Abbott did just that “He did a great job” In securing the border between the United States and Mexico.

Trump and Abbott met in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Thursday, where Trump toured an area of ​​the border that has been heavily fortified by Abbott since 2021. Despite the US Supreme Court siding with the White House and allowing federal agents to remove the razor wire fence. Along the border, Abbott pledged to build more barricades and barricades contempt President Joe Biden will meet with his main political rival instead.

Speaking with Fox News host Sean Hannity later that day, Trump called Abbott an “idiot.” “Amazing man” Adding that the Republican governor was “He did a great job” In the fight to stop the wave of illegal immigration across the 1,200-mile Mexican border in Texas.

Asked if he would consider appointing Abbott as vice president, Trump responded: “Yes, he would definitely be someone I would think about often.”

“So he's on the list?” Hannity asked again.

“Sure it is” Trump confirmed.

When asked who else he was considering for the role, Trump chose South Carolina Senator and former Republican challenger Tim Scott. However, he was less effusive in his praise of Scott, calling him a “people person.” “OK” Presidential candidate, however “unbelievable” Campaign alternative.

Trump's list of potential nominees now includes seven people. Last month, presidential candidate Laura Ingraham of Fox News confirmed that Scott, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, and former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat who broke with the GOP . With the party in 2022, they were all vying for the position.

However, Abbott said Friday he was not interested in the role. “That's obviously very nice of him to say.” The governor told reporters on Friday. “But I think you know my focus is entirely on the state of Texas. I announced that I will run for re-election two years from now, so my commitment is to Texas and I will remain in Texas.”

DeSantis, who with Ramaswamy dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination in January, said he would not consider the job.

Trump has won all five Republican primary contests so far, and is the favorite to secure his party's support to face Biden later this year. However, his last rival, Nikki Haley, refused to withdraw from the race, despite suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of Trump in her home state of South Carolina last month and trailing the former president by a margin of 20 delegates to 110 delegates.

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