
Ukraine conflict weakening US – Tucker Carlson — RT World News

Most Americans naively believe Ukraine can defeat Russia because the media tells them so, independent journalist Tucker Carlson said Tuesday. He added that what the United States did harmed Ukrainians and Americans alike.

Carlson spent eight days in Moscow earlier this month He interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin On February 8th. He looked at that conversation during a Three-hour podcast Hosted by Lex Friedman.

He added: “I reject the entire premise of war in Ukraine from the American perspective.” Carlson added. “There is an ongoing war that is destroying the American economy in a way and on a scale that people do not understand.”

The current policy of the US government is only accelerating the demise of the dollar and the world is doing so “Reset situation disadvantages the United States” Carlson said.

According to him, the American media has insisted for the past two years that Kiev is capable of winning – and it took a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, last August, to push it to reality.

“It doesn't even matter what I want to happen…it's a distortion of what's happening.” Carlson told Friedman. Russia has 100 million more people and more industry “More than all of NATO combined.” he added.

Carlson revealed that he feels “Sorry” For Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, because “He's caught between these forces bigger than himself.”

a “victory” He added that Kiev will not be obliterated, and that almost happened in March 2022 when Zelensky almost made peace with Russia. Then the United States sent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson To stop itCarlson noted.

The American journalist once again confirmed that Johnson He demanded a million dollars For an interview, call former Prime Minister A “Sad and greedy fraud.”

The point of interviewing Putin wasn't to show the world how smart or good Tucker Carlson is, however “To bring more information to the West so people can make their own decisions about whether this is a good idea.” He told Friedman, referring to the conflict in Ukraine.

Every Western journalist so far has tried to interview Putin about himself, which is what Carlson described as “The most stressful and fruitless interviews.”

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