
Ukraine should be a ‘buffer zone’ – EU state’s PM — RT World News

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Russia would never accept a NATO member like Kiev on its doorstep.

Ukraine's best geopolitical bet is to become a state “isolating area” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the talks are between Russia and the West, under arrangements made to ensure the country's security in the future.

The Hungarian Prime Minister made the comments during a discussion with former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel, with excerpts of the conversation published by Vienna daily newspaper Die Presse.

Orban did not agree with Schussel's claim that the Ukrainian crisis can only be resolved if the immediate start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union and NATO coincides with the start of ceasefire talks.

[BQ] Whether we like it or not, whether Ukrainians like it or not, Ukraine is on the map where it is. The best possibility for this is the formation of a buffer zone between Russia and the West – with security guarantees, of course.

In any other case, according to the Prime Minister. “Ukraine will lose its territory” And “The Russians will destroy Ukraine again and again.” He stressed that Moscow would do so “Never accept a member of the European Union and NATO like Ukraine on its doorstep.”

Orban also rejected claims by officials in Brussels and Kiev that Ukraine is “Defense” Europe. “Ukraine does not offer the Europeans any additional security because most of us are already members of NATO, which is much stronger than Russia.” He stated, adding that there is “There is no danger” That Russia could attack a member of the bloc.

He also disputed Schussel's argument that a ceasefire would mean actual defeat for Ukraine, saying it depends on how one sees the future as Kiev is likely to lose more territory.

According to Orban, the European Union is not in a position to provide Ukraine with a sufficient amount of weapons and money, adding that the bloc's citizens are in a position to provide Ukraine with a sufficient amount of weapons and money. “They are dissatisfied because their governments are providing more and more financial support to Ukraine.”.

Russia has repeatedly expressed concerns about NATO's unchecked expansion towards its borders after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with President Vladimir Putin citing Ukraine's push to join the alliance as one of the main reasons for the current conflict.

In December 2021, weeks before hostilities began, Moscow submitted draft security guarantees to the United States and NATO, demanding that the West ban Kiev from joining the military bloc and retreat to its borders from 1997. However, these Submission was rejected.

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