
UNGA adopts AI resolution — RT World News

This step aims to promote and protect human rights in the context of rapidly developing technology

The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday unanimously adopted the first global resolution related to artificial intelligence aimed at promoting and protecting human rights in the context of digital technologies.

All 193 member states of the United Nations approved the non-binding resolution proposed by the United States and co-sponsored by more than 120 countries. According to a statement on the United Nations website, it defines the principles of development and use “Safe, secure and trustworthy” Artificial intelligence systems.

“The improper or malicious design, development, deployment and use of artificial intelligence systems… pose risks that could… undermine the protection, promotion and enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” the statement said.

The United Nations General Assembly pointed out “varying levels” of technological development between and within countries, noting that developing countries face certain challenges in keeping up with the rapid pace of innovation.

Speaking before the resolution was adopted, the US Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said that the international community bears a responsibility “To govern this technology instead of letting it rule us.”

“So let us reaffirm that AI will be created and deployed through the lens of humanity, dignity, safety, security, human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Thomas Greenfield said.

The UN General Assembly resolution is the latest in a series of initiatives taken by governments around the world to shape the development of artificial intelligence amid growing concerns about the potential for misuse of the technology.

Earlier this month, the European Union passed a landmark AI law that aims to ensure the rapidly changing technology remains safe and compatible with basic human rights but also promotes innovation. The regulation is expected to enter into force at the end of the legislative session in May, after passing final checks and obtaining approval from the European Council.

Some countries, including China and India, have also issued guidelines to regulate this technology. In October, US President Joe Biden issued an executive order to reduce AI risks to consumers, workers and minority groups while strengthening national security.

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