
US names alleged culprit behind deadly drone strike — RT World News

The White House blamed an “Iranian-backed” umbrella group in Iraq for an attack that killed three American soldiers at a base in Jordan.

The administration of US President Joe Biden has identified the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella organization for several Shiite Islamist militias in the region, as the group responsible for the drone strike that killed three US soldiers and wounded more than 40 others on Sunday.

It was offensive “Planned, prepared and facilitated.” John Kirby, spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said on Wednesday in a press conference that the “Islamic resistance in Iraq” is launching terrorist attacks. The group consists of several militias, including Kataib Hezbollah, which has launched several missile and drone attacks against US forces in the region since the war between Israel and Hamas began in October.

An explosives-laden drone struck a secret US outpost in Jordan, near the Iraqi and Syrian borders, on Sunday, killing the first American in months of attacks by various armed groups in solidarity with Hamas. Biden pledged to respond “At the time and in the manner of our choosing.” He told reporters on Tuesday that he had decided to respond, but did not provide details.

Kirby suggested multi-faceted revenge by saying so “It won't just be a one-time situation. And like I said, the first thing you see won't be the last.” However, he reiterated the White House claim that Biden is trying to avoid a broader conflict with Iran. “We are not looking for a broader conflict. We are not seeking war with Iran.”

Biden blamed Iran for providing weapons that Islamic militants have used to attack US forces in the Middle East more than 150 times in recent months. He has faced political pressure to respond forcefully, including calls from Senator Lindsey Graham and other Republican lawmakers for a devastating strike against Tehran.

“We have obligations in the region, including those to our forces and facilities.” Kirby said. “We will have to do, and we will, what we have to do to make sure those responsible are properly held accountable.”

The Iranian government denied involvement in the drone attack on Sunday. Kataib Hezbollah said on Tuesday that it had suspended its military operations against Washington “occupation forces” To prevent embarrassment to the Iraqi government. We will continue to defend our people in Gaza in other ways.” The group added.

Iranian officials pledged to do so “Respond firmly” For any attack. Major General Hossein Salami, Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, said on Wednesday that any American threat against his country would not be possible. “Leave unanswered.” he added, “We do not seek war, but we are not afraid of war either.”

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