
US state to teach kids ‘dangers of Communism’  — RT World News

A new law seeks to make students immune to ideological “indoctrination” at colleges and universities

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a state bill that would mandate school curriculum “The Dangers and Evils of Communism” For students starting in kindergarten. The legislation was signed on the anniversary of the failed US attempt to overthrow Cuban communist leader Fidel Castro at the height of the Cold War.

The law, which will take effect in July, requires all public schools to teach the history of communism in an age-appropriate manner starting in the 2026-2027 school year.

Instructions on Communism should provide a history of the movement both at home and abroad, and focus on the atrocities it committed abroad. It must also be emphasized “The growing threat of communism to the United States and our allies” In the 20th century, including events in China and the spread of red ideology in Latin America and Cuba, the new legislation stipulates.

It is said that one of the main objectives of the curriculum is “Preparing…students to resist communist indoctrination in colleges and universities,” DeSantis' office explained in a press release.

The governor emphasized this while promoting the legislation “We will not allow our students to live in ignorance, nor will they be indoctrinated in schools by communist apologists. On the contrary, we will ensure that students in Florida are taught the truth about the evils and dangers of communism.”

According to State Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, the instruction will be about communism “Scattered across the curriculum, K [kindergarten] Within 12 [twelfth grade]”.

The new law came on the 63rd anniversary of the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion, an attempted incursion into Cuba's southern coast by a Cuban force in exile that was heavily supported by the United States. The attempted military landing was a direct response to the revolution that had brought Fidel Castro to power two years earlier.

However, the attack ended in disaster and had the effect of pushing Cuba closer to the Soviet Union and paving the way for the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. In 1961, the administration of US President John F. Kennedy also authorized Operation Mongoose, a campaign of attacks on civilian facilities in Cuba and covert actions aimed at undermining Castro's government.

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