
What does Gaza’s legendary resilience tell us?

Nearly one and a half months after the “Israeli” aggression against the Gaza Strip began, the occupying forces are still unable to present a scene of victory in the Gaza Strip, even a so-called scene of victory. Despite the massacres and war crimes committed there, the latter has been unable to force residents of the Gaza Strip to emigrate; so far, replacement projects have failed. The popular and military steadfastness of the resistance took on multiple meanings and assigned specific responsibilities to each individual.

career plan

From the first moment of the planned invasion of the Gaza Strip, the occupation authorities announced very high goals regarding the Gaza Strip and the resistance movements there, especially the Hamas movement. The stated goals of the aggression are the complete elimination of Hamas and its military wing, the Qassam Brigades, the reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, the imposition of a new political reality after the war, and the unconditional release of all prisoners held by the resistance.

Moreover, in line with this, the leaders of “Israel” issued statements about the need to empty the Gaza Strip of its population and transfer them to live in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, which was explicitly adopted by the US government and its Secretary of State Antony Bush Anthony Blinken tried to convince the countries in the region of this during his regional tours, but he was unsuccessful at the time.

If the military objectives of the occupation decline significantly over time under pressure from Palestinian resistance, then elimination becomes a matter of weakening Hamas and limiting its ability to threaten and launch operations in the future, while releasing prisoners becomes to liberate the Palestinians. The maximum possible number of people then have their files processed and then go into approval. Frankly, a swap deal was necessary – but in return, the swap plan was still there and among the options, even as its circulation declined in media coverage.

The announcement stated that the US government in particular gave up on this proposal because Egypt and other Arab countries that Blinken met with clearly and decisively rejected the proposal, but also because of the firm stance and attitude of the local people. The bravery of the resistance movement surprised Americans, and the US president issued a statement stating the need for Gaza residents to remain in the area. However, it can be said that this option is still on the table for the profession, and this is also supported by the position on the field.

This is because the occupation is concentrated in the northern Gaza Strip through sieges, bombings and destruction. In order to force people to move to the south, which was declared “safe”, it was announced more than once that the largest part of the northern population would be moved to the south, which seemed to be the first phase of the plan. At the same time, he is reserving a second phase for the south, forcing people to move toward Egypt from the Rafah crossing, which he plans to use as their only escape from the bombing, siege, and starvation machine.


Despite all the above – including the strangulation of all life possibilities in the northern Gaza Strip, such as bombing hospitals to stop services, bakeries, places of worship, roads, UN schools, shelters, etc., and not allowing any aid to enter there, Included was the clear message that the area was no longer suitable for life and never would be – the outcome was not as the occupation planned nor as logically expected.

On November 17 this year, exactly 40 days after the full-scale invasion, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics stated that of the 1.2 million people living in the northern governorates before the invasion, only 400,000 were displaced. As of now, 807,000 people still live in Gaza and the two northern provinces of Gaza, which refutes “Israeli’s” propaganda that the north has been emptied of civilian populations.

From material and logical deductions, this kind of firmness seems to be beyond the scope of reason, and it refers, without exaggeration, to a legendary and extraordinary firmness. Being completely under siege in a narrow geographical area – with no access to food, water, medicine and other basic necessities for about a month and a half, with various deaths from rockets, shells and lava – is hard to imagine, To cling to this place means to wait for death by killing, bloodshed or starvation. Clearly, this was not what the occupiers expected, and they flouted all international law, including customs of war, and committed countless war crimes that could amount to genocide in order to achieve a swift and decisive military victory over the resistance. , also triumphed demographically through displacement.

The fact that the residents of the Gaza Strip, especially in the north, have so far thwarted occupation plans does not negate this huge human tragedy, nor does talk of determination fully erase the extraordinary suffering faced by the people there. To indicate that relief is coming, that the siege against them is being lifted, or that the occupying force is being forced to at least fulfill its obligations as an occupying force.

On the other hand, a month and a half passed and the occupying army could not even project any semblance of “victory” even if it were a claim, while it suffered huge losses in terms of soldiers – more than it had to declare. . officers, equipment and vehicles, and was visibly embarrassed by the media as the resistance documented its actions and the credibility it gained in the field. In addition to its high morale, the statements it made and the indicators of the soundness of its military structure and its ability to control and manage the battle, and perhaps the announcement of a prisoner exchange agreement, reinforced this assessment, as it showed The occupying forces surrendered in this regard.

meaning and responsibility

The clearest sign of this determination is that the resistance movement is well prepared for such a fight, showing great patience on the military, logistical and media fronts, and that the Palestinian residents of Gaza are holding on to their land, and that they are Confident in their own resistance and benefiting from the lessons of the past, they are determined not to repeat the catastrophes of catastrophe and forced displacement, despite the inhumane conditions and war crimes they suffered.

But on the other hand, perseverance is not just based on prior preparation, nor is it just based on faith and determination. Rather, it has components that must be acquired and strengthened, otherwise they will be depleted and/or destroyed over time. Therefore, it is important to point out that statistics from the Palestinian Ministry of Health indicate that on average, a child is killed every ten minutes. Because of “Israeli” bombing, this means that time in Gaza is no longer measured in hours and minutes, but in lives and blood.

This scenario therefore places Arab and Islamic countries within the context of their responsibilities as brotherly and friendly countries, as neighbours, as parties concerned with the security of Arab countries and the stability of the region, and as parties keen to ensure that human tragedies do not happen again. superior. Otherwise, many will see this as a position of complicity rather than simply a disregard for the people of Gaza.

The priority of all parties should be to provide assistance to the people in northern and southern Gaza Strip without discrimination, with or without a ceasefire, and without submitting to the conditions of occupation. On the one hand, this is a humanitarian obligation; on the other hand, it can also enhance people’s determination. After the Arab-Islamic Joint Summit made the decision to break the siege and provide assistance, 57 Arab and Muslim countries will face a major moral test. However, there is currently no specific timetable and implementation mechanism, which has yet to be implemented. Decide.

The remaining parties, including parties, ideologies, movements, elites, peoples and individuals, must not be content with mourning human tragedies and taking pride in displays of resistance, but should remain in the audience, applauding support or disapproval from a distance, Instead, effective and urgent action was taken quickly to break the siege and open the Rafah crossing for humanitarian access. As a first step, it represents the minimum requirements.

The opening of the Rafah crossing must become a priority action for all parties, putting pressure on all parties involved, responsible and interested parties, such as: the occupying forces, the United States, the European Union and other international institutions, as well as Arab and Islamic countries, especially Egypt, which is completely Have decision-making authority over border crossings.

It is ineffective to hold the occupying power fully accountable and to apply pressure and demands on it, as it is ineffective to accept that the crossing cannot be opened without its approval, only what it approves can pass, and only those who do not object can pass. . It can be taken out. Whoever claims this is the upper limit of his position and what he can do about the siege of Gaza and the suffering of its people – which is certainly not true – should be pressed, just like the occupation.

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