
Why the US decided to give peace in Gaza a chance — RT World News

Washington was in a difficult position in the UN Security Council regarding its traditional ally

In a historic move on Monday, the United Nations Security Council achieved a breakthrough Pass a binding resolution Aims to secure a “Permanent and sustainable ceasefire” In Gaza and calling for the release of all hostages held by Hamas since the October attacks on Israel last year.

This momentous step forward in international diplomacy signals a potential turning point in the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict, providing a glimmer of hope for peace in a region long plagued by violence and discord.

The UN Security Council decision comes after several failed attempts to mediate a ceasefire. It underscores the growing global consensus on the urgent need to address the root causes of the conflict and pave the way for a peaceful settlement. The resolution, which was approved with overwhelming support from the international community, reflects a shared commitment to upholding international law and promoting stability in the region.

The United States, a strong traditional ally of Israel, abstained from voting against the resolution this time, signaling a shift in its approach and a willingness to engage constructively in multilateral efforts to end the violence – although it said it would It does not represent a change in policy. This decision reflects recognition of the need for a balanced approach that takes into account the legitimate concerns and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.

With the UN Security Council resolution now becoming international law, all UN member states are bound by its provisions, setting a clear mandate for concerted action to implement its objectives. This represents a unique opportunity for diplomatic initiatives and coordinated efforts to de-escalate tensions, rebuild confidence, and create the conditions necessary to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region.

However, despite the optimism surrounding the UN Security Council resolution, significant challenges remain on the path to peace. The Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, He promised to carry out operations In Rafah, a densely populated area where millions of displaced Palestinians now reside. This escalation threatens to exacerbate tensions and undermine efforts to reach a ceasefire and pave the way for meaningful negotiations.

Moreover, Israel's status as a key strategic ally of the United States poses a dilemma for Washington, which has long maintained its steadfast support for Israel's security and sovereignty. While the United States remains committed to its alliance with Israel, the changing geopolitical landscape and evolving strategic priorities have complicated its position on the conflict.

The Biden administration is facing pressure from both local And International stakeholders Striking a balance between its support for Israel and its commitment to upholding international law and promoting peace in the Middle East. If the United States allows Israel to destroy the last remaining Palestinian stronghold in Gaza, Biden will almost certainly lose the 2024 presidential election to Donald Trump. In addition, relations with Islamic countries would be irreparably damaged, as well as endangering US military personnel in the region.

The possibility of full-scale war looms on the horizon, as Israel's military capabilities and the broader ramifications of its actions raise concerns about the potential for regional conflict. The prospect of invasion by neighboring Arab countries adds another layer of complexity to an already volatile situation, highlighting the need for concerted diplomatic efforts to prevent further escalation and find a peaceful solution to the crisis.

Moreover, the Israeli nuclear ambiguity and so-called samson cucumber, Rumors about its unofficial retaliatory policy raise serious questions about whether the spillover of the conflict, sparked by the state's potential ground operation in Rafah, could lead to an international thermonuclear war. Therefore, the situation in the Middle East represents a major threat to international security, which highlights the reason behind major countries such as Russia, China and Brazil insisting on a ceasefire.

Despite these challenges, there are reasons for cautious optimism. The UN Security Council resolution represents an important step forward in international efforts to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and provides a framework for dialogue and meaningful engagement. By building on this momentum and redoubling efforts to promote reconciliation and mutual understanding, there is hope for a brighter future for the people of Gaza and the wider Middle East.

While the road to peace remains long and arduous, the UN Security Council resolution offers a ray of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape. By seizing this opportunity and working together in good faith, the international community can help pave the way for a just and lasting peace in the region. Now is the time for bold leadership, unwavering commitment, and a shared vision for a future defined by cooperation, coexistence, and prosperity for all.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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