
'100 days feels like 100 years.' UNRWA condemns 'destructive war' in Gaza | News

Commissioner-General Filippo Lazzarini of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees said:UNRWA), the past 100 days have seemed like 100 years to residents Gaza.

Lazzarini noted in a statement yesterday, Saturday, that coincided with the 100th day of the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, which caused the largest displacement of Palestinians since 1948, adding that “1.4 million people in Israel Sheltered” UNRWA shelters and forced to live in inhumane conditions. “

He pointed out that over the past 100 days, Gaza has witnessed “a tremendous amount of death, destruction, displacement, hunger, loss and grief that has stained our common humanity over the past 100 days.”

He believed that “the past 100 days have been like 100 years for the residents of Gaza” and said that most Gazans will bear the physical and mental trauma caused by the attacks for life.

The Israeli occupying forces have been waging a devastating war in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, resulting in more than 23,000 martyrs and approximately 60,000 injured, mostly children and women, as of Saturday, as well as massive damage to infrastructure , a humanitarian disaster according to Las Vegas Strip authorities and the United Nations.

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