
A bridge closed…Pro-Palestinian protests in London Current Affairs News

London- Anger is growing on streets around the world as events in Gaza escalate, despite being ignored by governments, most of whom ignore the voices of hundreds of thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets every week to denounce the aggression against Gaza.

Activists and demonstrators who reject the aggression have only taken escalating measures to draw the government's attention to their demands for an immediate ceasefire and to urge the British government to stop supporting Israel.

A number of UK NGOs, such as Feminist Sisters Incognito, Black Lives Matter and the Palestinian Youth Movement, have joined forces to respond to the global call for a Palestinian movement, escalating events without prior authorization with the aim of confusing the government, while The government has ignored this. Official British opinion polls show that 75% of the British people demand an immediate ceasefire.

Demonstrators holding up hands covered in blood during demonstration
Pro-Palestinian civil coalition believes escalation of civil unrest is inevitable (Al Jazeera)

He besieged it for Palestine

On January 6, websites in multiple countries called for the closure of major public squares. British civil society organizations responded to the call and blocked and besieged Westminster Square, known as Parliament Square.

A complete halt to traffic during the UK statutory holiday has sparked outrage from right-wing communities who accuse police of failing to protect them from a peaceful weekend and prompted the groups to pressure the government to take action. Countering these pressures through pressure on the liberal fringes has become a contentious issue in the UK recently.

As the Gaza attack enters its 92nd day, the Palestinian Awami League demands an immediate ceasefire. More than 22,000 Palestinians were killed in Israeli air strikes and demands an end to the supply of weapons produced and sold by the UK.

The Palestine Center for International Justice's Public Policy Committee chose this date, predating Od parliamentsent a signal to the British government that Palestine was a political priority and that life as usual in London could not be possible during the invasion.

Police closed the bridge to prevent demonstrators from advancing further
Police closed bridges to stop demonstrators from advancing (Al Jazeera)

Hackers break into protesters' phones

Although the demonstrations were launched via secret phone calls without police permission, some demonstrators and journalists announced in the days leading up to the demonstrations that their phones had been hacked. Police arrived at the same time as the demonstrators and the London-based Defense Israel Campaign also took part.

The demonstration was held in a park, and although legal observers confirmed the freedom of demonstration, the police interrupted the loudspeaker, demanding that the demonstration that had not yet started stop, and confiscated the loudspeaker.

Demonstrators clashed with the police, who were arrested at the start of the demonstration. The police insisted on containing the demonstration and preventing it from moving forward, but the demonstrators successfully reached the square and blocked London's main bridge.

When the demonstration reached the bridge, the demonstrators sat down and announced that they had blocked the road, completely paralyzing the movement in central London, and then displayed the dead, with activists pretending to be dead and erecting tombstones with the names of the martyrs. Demonstrators held up signs indicating that the bombing was funded by taxpayer money and urged passers-by to join the demonstration.

Some participants in the demonstrations
Several journalist activists revealed that their phones had been hacked, so the police arrived at the demonstration at the same time as them (Al Jazeera)

human rights issues in london

The sudden demonstration came days after 10 pro-Palestinian activists were questioned at the airport after returning from a holiday abroad. The activists spoke on condition of anonymity because they could not understand the scale of the investigation, which is being carried out in the context of terrorism under Article 7 of Law 200, a law that allows police to make arrests without formal charges.

Police also searched the detainees' personal belongings and their tablets and laptops, and sources close to the ten activists, who declined to be named, confirmed to Al Jazeera that some of them hold British passports. He added that a number of activists of British origin had been taken in for investigation on terrorism charges, including a female citizen not involved in any political activity who posted a comment on social media about “hummus” video.

The source also confirmed that some students had been expelled from universities over comments on social media, a move the source described as an unprecedented escalation in narrowing the UK's freedoms.

The sudden demonstration followed days of investigation at the airport after 10 pro-Palestinian activists returned from a holiday abroad (Al Jazeera)

Jonathan Purcell, public affairs and communications officer at the Palestine Center for International Justice, told Al Jazeera: “In the UK and around the world, there is a fundamental divide between the grassroots and those in power. Citizens are appalled by the killings of children, war crimes and crimes against humanity. .No wonder “people want to protest against Israel’s war crimes and the British government’s complicity.”

“Yet politicians appear bent on demonizing peaceful protest, undermining civil liberties and turning calls for peace into culture wars,” the citizen activist added.

In the same context, pro-Palestinian civil unions believe that the escalation of civil unrest is inevitable and that more actions will begin, especially since the Knesset is about to convene in two days and intends to discuss legislation to criminalize boycotts of Israeli goods, The coalition refused, stressing that the Free Palestine Alliance is committed to continuing the obstruction until arms flows to Israel are halted so that parliament can allocate resources to end the 75-year occupation of Palestine.

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