
The most prominent developments on the 92nd day of Israel's invasion of Gaza

Day 92 of Israeli aggression GazaThe Israeli occupying forces continue to bombard the central and southern Gaza Strip, causing many martyrs to fall. izdin qassam brigade By launching new operations, the occupying forces inflicted further losses in soldiers and equipment.

The Izzdin al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic resistance movement, announced:agitation)-The Mujahideen staged a tight ambush in central Bani Suhayra, east of Khan Younis, and then eliminated an Israeli force of eight soldiers at point-blank range.

The group also announced that “an anti-personnel device of the Zionist forces was detonated in a building in Kuza'a, east of Khan Younis,” resulting in the death and injury of its members, according to Kassam.

In turn, the Quds Force announced that they had bombarded a military concentration in the station area (central Khan Younis) with large-caliber mortars. It also announced a salvo of missiles against settlements around Sderot, Nilam and the Gaza Strip.

A senior military officer was killed

The Israeli army announced that the deputy training commander of the Israeli Nahal Brigade was killed in fighting in the northern Gaza Strip. He was a major officer and was promoted to lieutenant colonel after his death.

The Palestinian news platform said the deceased was the son-in-law of Yoav Mordechai, the former coordinator of the activities of the occupation authorities in the West Bank.

As a result, the death toll announced by the Israeli army since the operation, including officers and soldiers, rose to 510 al aqsa floodsSome 180 people have been killed since the ground attack on Gaza was launched.

New martyr statistics

The Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip announced on Saturday that the death toll of Palestinian martyrs caused by Israel's ongoing war since October 7 last year has increased to 22,722, with another 58,166 injured.

“Israeli occupying forces carried out 12 massacres against families in the past 24 hours, resulting in 122 martyrs and 256 injured,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.

An Al Jazeera reporter reported that 10 Palestinians were killed in an attack on a rally near the Saraya hub west of Gaza City.

Borrell issues warning from Lebanon

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell stressed the need to avoid escalation in the region during a visit to Lebanon on Saturday.

After meeting with Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Naguib Mikati and Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib, Borrell said he had seen “worrying intense fighting across the country”. blue line”, referring to the dividing line between Lebanon and Israel.

The European official said he told Israel that “if a regional conflict breaks out, no one will win” and stressed the need to avoid dragging Lebanon into such a conflict.

During the same visit, Al Jazeera reporters said Borrell met with a Hezbollah delegation headed by Mohammed Raad.

Occupation intensifies incursion into West Bank

On the other hand, today, Saturday, Palestinians were shot dead and others arrested during a new invasion by the Israeli occupying forces. bank of the west Violent clashes with resistance fighters have occurred in the occupied territory, most notably in the towns of Bara and Anabta east of Tulkarem, and in Qalqiliya and Jenin in the northern West Bank.

Occupying forces also attacked the Old City of Nablus and its surrounding areas. The raids and arrests also included the occupied towns of Qatana and Qubaiba northwest of Jerusalem.

In Hebron, south of the West Bank, Israel's incursions are targeting the towns of Baninaim, the city of Doura, and the Mount Samud area of ​​Masafir Yatta, south of Hebron.

Picture information of captured Israeli soldiers

Al Jazeera aired scenes it obtained of Israeli soldiers who were prisoners of the Palestinian resistance and later killed by Israeli forces. Shujaya East Gaza City, including those calling on the government to work to stop the war and free them.

Blinken begins visit to region of Türkiye

He met with the President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinkenthis is the fourth visit to the area since the fighting al aqsa floods.

The meeting took place in the presence of the Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidanand intelligence chief Ibrahim Kalam, as well as the U.S. ambassador to China Ankara Jeffrey Fleck.

The Bloomberg news website quoted a senior U.S. official accompanying Blinken on the trip as saying that Washington is seeking to mobilize Ankara to support a plan to govern Gaza after the war.

Blinken will send a message to the region that Washington will respond to attacks against its interests, the same source added, adding that the United States hopes Arab partners will convey Blinken's message to Iran.

Israel launches Operation Indigo

NBC News cited sources confirming that Israel was behind the assassination Saleh Aluri The deputy director of Hamas's political bureau pointed out that Tel Aviv plans to carry out a series of assassinations within a few years.

The network stated that Israel has not officially claimed responsibility for the assassination of Aluri, but this operation may be the first step in the assassination operation in response to the attack on October 7 last year. al aqsa floods Initiated by the Palestinian resistance to occupation.

The network quoted Israeli officials as saying that the intelligence services formed a joint mission under the name “Indigo” to hunt down Hamas leaders and cadres in multiple countries.

Hezbollah’s initial response

point out Hezbollah Lebanese newspapers said it fired 62 missiles at Israel's Meron air force-controlled base in an initial response to the assassination of Aluri in Beirut's southern suburbs, the largest missile attack since the founding of the country. On October 8 last year, there was a firefight on the border.

The party confirmed that the targeting of Israeli military bases caused direct casualties and explained that the Meron base is the only management, monitoring and air control center in northern Israel, and there is no other major alternative.

He was the Secretary-General of Hezbollah in Lebanon Hassan Nasrallah Yesterday, Friday, he reiterated that a response to Aluri's assassination was “inevitable” and that the party's fighters at the border would be the ones to respond.

Iraq targets US troops in Syria with new targets

The “Islamic Resistance Movement in Iraq” announced a drone attack on our base Altanf WaFor Shadadi A statement issued by it said that it was “going deep into Syria” and emphasized that it continued to “destroy enemy strongholds.”

The move comes as the United States fears a widespread regional conflict. Israel's war on GazaA U.S. official said on Thursday that since October 17 last year, U.S. troops in the Middle East have been attacked about 115 times.

On Thursday, a U.S. drone strike killed Talib Ali al-Saidi,… nujaba movement fall into faction mass crowd.

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