
A young Jerusalemite exposes horrific abuses in Negev prison Jerusalem News

Occupied Jerusalem – Exclusive: A Palestinian prisoner revealed Jerusalem He was released today, Thursday, after Israeli jailers committed horrific abuses against Palestinian prisoners at a Negev desert prison.

Social media activist Ramzi Al-Abbas issued a statement to reporters as he returned home to the town of Silwan after eight months in detention, saying the prisoners he left behind were “in deplorable condition” “.

He added, “There were beatings in the morning, at noon, at night, on all parts of the body in unimaginable ways, especially in the Negev prisons and in the cemeteries of the living.”

He went on to say that there are about 3,000 prisoners in Negev prisons, “including people with broken legs or hands, or people with open heads (deep wounds). They are psychologically, physically and morally in a state of A miserable state.”

He added that “the sexual harassment of detainees amounts, quite literally, to rape, cursing 24 hours a day, tearing up the Quran and urinating on it.”

Ramsay added: “They deprived us of food, one meal a day. For a long time we slept outside in half-sleeved clothes. They took everything from us, even our quilts. Windows so it gets cooler and we sleep holding each other.”

Drinking water is only available for an hour, he said. “There was no shampoo or soap. They took off all our clothes. This top (underwear) had been on for 60 days. They stopped us from everything.”

Ramsay relayed a message from prisoners calling for lawyers to visit all detainees: “The situation is so bad that lawyers must visit all detainees. Lawyers visiting prisons is a message and a sign of trust.”

As of Wednesday, 3,325 people had been arrested since the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood and the start of the invasion of Gaza on October 7, according to the Bureau of Prisoners’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, out of a prison population previously estimated at around 5,500. male and female prisoners.

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