
They live in ruins.Gaza people would rather return to their homes, even if they are destroyed News

Taghreed Al-Najjar prepares “saj” bread over a firewood and prepares tea before starting to prepare snacks (sandwiches) made of cheese and red pepper for which the people of Gaza are famous. Gaza Enjoying breakfast in the ruins of her destroyed home in the Abasan neighborhood of eastern Gaza City

After the announcement truce 4 days ago, Tagrid walked from the UNRWA school (UNRWAIn Khan Younis, he went to her home in the Abasan neighborhood and found it completely destroyed, but she insisted on living in it, unconcerned with the destruction around her

Tagrid, 46, felt pained and depressed when she saw that the family had spent 27 years building the house in vain. Although the walls collapsed and the furniture sank under the cement, Tagrid felt psychological comfort. Her spirit has returned, weeks after she fled her home since the invasion of the Gaza Strip began on October 7 last year

The devastating impact of Israeli bombing on the Al-Rimal community in northeastern Gaza
The devastating impact of Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip (Al Jazeera)

Not suitable for habitation

According to the Gaza Government Media Office, from the beginning of the invasion of Gaza to the declaration of the armistice, the Israeli occupying forces dropped 40,000 tons of explosives in the Gaza Strip. Want to make Gaza uninhabitable

A large portion of Tagrid’s family was martyred, and she was forced to flee when Israeli occupying forces began bombing the Gaza Strip. For the past few weeks, she has been living with nine family members in an UNRWA school that became a displaced persons camp in Khan Younis

“I couldn’t eat for the first two days after I got home, and then I said, ‘We have to survive. The house is a compensation. We are the ones who built it and we can do it again,'” she added .“We jumped out of the window of the room where the walls were still standing and slept in it. We created a little bathroom and we could sleep anywhere

All our homes were destroyed

Taghreed offered a hot cup of tea to her neighbor Jamil Abu Athrah, who was sitting under her hospitality with 15 members of his family, including 4 children) lived together in the ruins of his destroyed house

Abu Athra (64) said: “All our houses here have been destroyed, but despite the cold and destruction, we are willing to stay. It is better than staying in school. We cannot bear it anymore .” Even “the kids want to stay here,” he added. They sleep anywhere. Life is difficult for children, all of them

Across the street, Bassam Abu Taima stood in front of the ruins of a four-story building where he lived with his wife, three children and four siblings. “There were about 40 of us living here. When we left, we left,” Abu Taima said. “Things started to escalate and when we came back we found the house had been razed to the ground. I Don’t know why.” “We don’t have anything to do with these organizations. We all work in agriculture and drive taxis

Accommodation tent

Abu Taima continued angrily: “I came with the announcement of the truce. I found the house destroyed. Since the truce began, I have slept here with my wife. After the war is over, I will clear the rubble and build for us Tent.” To live in

Elsewhere, Naeem Taimat (46) hammers nails to secure wooden poles for a tent he plans to live in with his family. “I was preparing a tent to live here after the war,” he said. “I came to my house and found it completely demolished. I, my wife, my seven children and my mother lived in In the house, besides…my four brothers and their children, they each have seven children

He used a hammer to hit the cement block that covered everything, trying to open an opening so that he could enter the house and take out some clothes, especially items from the wedding of his daughter, who was due to get married on December 2 next year.

Wiping ash and blood from his palms, he added: “My daughter Nevin is getting married next week. Our house and her fiancé’s house are destroyed. I’m working on getting her dowry out. , so that she can feel some happine

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