
Al Jazeera monitors the impact of occupation forces’ destruction of Gaza’s Central Archives

Special scenes obtained by Al Jazeera show the massive destruction and mass destruction of historical documents inside the Central Archives Building, the city government’s headquarters. Gaza Since October 7 last year, Israel has repeatedly bombed the area.

Gaza Mayor Yahya al-Sarraj expressed deep sadness and anger at the direct attacks on the Gaza City Government Building and the Central Archives Center Building, stressing that the documents in the building have great historical value, recording life in Gaza 50 years after the city was founded. Years of history.

Sarraj confirmed that the Central Archives building was unusable as all its contents were destroyed, causing “a huge loss to the citizens of Gaza City.”

The Mayor of Gaza denounces Israel’s targeting of historical, religious and sovereign sites of special symbolic significance, such as the Monument to the Unknown Soldier in Gaza City, the Legislative Council, Rashad Shawar Cultural Center, Municipal Parks, Perennial Trees, Childhood Centers, Gaza City Library wait.

“They want to kill lives and prevent Palestinian citizens from remaining in his land,” Sarraj said of the massive damage to infrastructure caused by bombings that affected water wells and sewage networks.

Since the start of the Palestinian resistance process al aqsa floods On October 7, Israel launched a devastating war against the Gaza Strip, resulting in tens of thousands of civilian casualties, mostly children and women, and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, according to official Palestinian and United Nations sources. .

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