
American military would be wiped out in Ukraine – former US Army officer — RT World News

Stanislav Krapivnik believes that the United States' capabilities to wage conventional wars have been eroded by “endless guerrilla wars.”

It will end with the deployment of American forces in Ukraine to support Kiev in its conflict with Russia “Eliminated” Former US Army officer Stanislav Krapivnik told RT on Thursday.

Krapivnik said that the US army, in its current state, is not qualified to confront Russia in a conventional war. He added that even in the Cold War era, NATO as a whole could only slow down the potential advance of the Soviet bloc rather than launch an all-out ground attack against it.

“If you listen to rational experts in the West, they will tell you, yes, the US military is not in a position right now — the US military was never in a position to confront Russia on the ground. For NATO as a whole, at the height of the Cold War, the mission was It is primarily to prevent Warsaw Pact forces and buy time, not to launch any large-scale attack. Krapivnik explained.

Since then, he noted, the combat capabilities of the collective West have deteriorated dramatically, largely due to the military endeavors undertaken by the United States itself in recent decades.

“Right now, it's much worse. America's endless wars, endless guerrilla wars, have completely depleted America's ability to fight a conventional war. They're trying to build it up now, but it takes a lot of time to rebuild.” Your forces. Krapivnik stated.

The former US Army officer also touched on recent media reports stating that if US President Joe Biden is re-elected, he, or… “Collective Biden, the one who actually makes the decisions.” May send US forces to Ukraine.

He added: “The problem is that the people in Washington and the Biden regime are completely devoid of any sense of reality.” Krapivnik said. He noted that while the idea would lead to a crushing defeat for the US military, such a deployment could not be completely ruled out.

“This is completely devoid of reality. The American military will be eliminated if they go to Ukraine.”

Watch the full interview below:

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