
Analyst: Biden believes the Gaza war will cost him his status and may support Israeli opposition news

Analysts and former diplomats agree that the United States and Israel have differences and conflicts in their positions over the war in the Gaza Strip, and suggest that Washington pressure its ally Tel Aviv through military and other conditions. support.

While confirming that US President Joe Biden’s administration will continue to support “Israel’s right to self-defense,” former US diplomat Charles Dunn revealed that “cracks” are beginning to appear in the wall of US support for Israel, and there are different views between Israel and Israel.Both parties in the context of what is happening right now Gaza Strip.

The former diplomat did not rule out that the dispute between Washington and Tel Aviv would end in conflict, especially if the war in Gaza does not stop and Israel again inflicts Palestinian civilian casualties.

Dan Confirms President Joe Biden He now worries about the political fallout, especially among young Americans and the internal opposition, as many who work in the federal government and signed petitions calling for a ceasefire in Gaza are dissatisfied.

He explained that popular dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with the United States’ support for Israel’s Gaza war is driving Biden to try to limit the next phase of Israel’s work.

He said the U.S. government has great influence in Tel Aviv and can impose restrictions on the prime minister’s work Benjamin Netanyahu political factors and delays in additional aid packages.

“What happens next in Gaza?” the U.S. diplomat confirmed in remarks during a break in daily analysis on Al Jazeera channel. “What happens next in Gaza?” Members of Congress and the House of Representatives want assurances before voting on Israel’s aid package, including for Israel. The laws of war must be respected.

Dr. Liqaa Makki, senior fellow at Al Jazeera Research Center, focused on what he calls the U.S.-Israeli conflict over the path forward from the current war in Gaza, as the Biden administration wants reconciliation while Netanyahu and Israel Hopefully a reconciliation can be reached. His group wants to destroy Gaza.

He pointed out that from an on-the-spot perspective, this seemed impossible, as it turned out that Palestinian resistance remained strong even in the northern Gaza Strip, as demonstrated during the prisoner exchange.

Markey said the United States wanted to continue the humanitarian truce, which Biden made clear when he said “all hostages must be returned.”

It was also revealed in the same context that the United States gave Israel a month to accomplish what could be accomplished in Gaza and on Washington’s terms that it not seize or destroy land as it had done in the northern Gaza Strip.

Israel’s failure

But a senior fellow at Al Jazeera Research predicts that Israel will continue to be protected by the United States and thus remain outside the framework of international punishment and reckoning, suggesting that U.S. officials are currently trying to pressure Israel. leadership until it responds to their request.

He said Israel knew it could not confront the Palestinians and Arabs without U.S. political, legal and military protection, and looked to the U.S. to increase pressure on its ally Israel through conditions.

Markey explained that the conditions were related to military support and judicial pressure on Netanyahu and a possible deal with the Israeli opposition to become the next ruler, vowing to include the upcoming settlements. The complete agreement ends.

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, agreed with analysts on the conflicting positions of Washington and Tel Aviv, stressing that 65% of American public opinion does not support the Biden administration’s stance on the war on Gaza.

In Barghouti’s view, Biden, who claimed to have participated in the Gaza war and repeated the lies that Netanyahu and his team were trying to promote, began to feel that the war would cost him his status, especially as U.S. public opinion turned against him After the disadvantage. .

He stressed that Israel had failed to achieve its core goal of invading the Gaza Strip, which was not to eliminate the Islamic resistance movement (agitationThis is, as you claim, a reckoning with the Palestinian people and their existence.

He explained that this was what they were trying to achieve by ethnically cleansing the Gaza population and deporting Palestinians to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, and then they moved to Plan B, which called for moving the Gaza population south of the Gaza Strip, which they Also failed.

Barghouti said that Israel’s occupation has failed to achieve its goals, making its war on Gaza meaningless and meaningless. Even if the war is extended, the struggle of the Palestinians will continue and their suffering has rippled around the world.

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