
Anti-Semitic hate incidents hit record high in UK – study — RT World News

Reports of these incidents peaked shortly after the October 7 Hamas attack, according to research

Reports of anti-Semitic hate incidents reached record levels in the UK last year and peaked in the week following the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, according to figures released by a Jewish security charity on Thursday.

Data collected by Community Security Trust (CST), an advocacy group founded three decades ago to help support the rights of British Jews, said there were about 4,103 reports of “Anti-Jewish hatred” They were registered in 2023.

This number represents a significant increase from the 1,662 reports received in 2022, and is nearly double the previous high of 2,255 reports recorded the year before that.

According to data published on the CST website on Thursday, about two-thirds of reports of anti-Semitism were received in the week following Hamas's cross-border attack on Israel in October.

The data indicates that the increase in reports came in the wake of the incursion “It was a celebration of the attack on Israel, not anger at the Israeli military response in Gaza.” The Science and Technology Committee said. I mentioned that too 'Unprecedented levels of anti-Semitism' These events were observed across the UK following the beginning of the Israeli bombing of Gaza.

British Home Secretary James Cleverley, as part of Thursday's report, said: “The increase in anti-Semitic hatred and abuse we have seen in the UK in recent months is deeply regrettable.”

He added that the Conservative government “We have taken strong steps to address this head-on.” Including the guarantee He added, “Expressions of support for the terrorist organization Hamas are met with the full force of the law.”

The study also showed a sharp rise in cases of anti-Semitism involving British schoolchildren, saying that such cases have more than tripled since 2022, statistics that Higher Education Minister Robert Halfon described as “Deeply disturbing.”

“Seeing this kind of hatred also happening in education is unacceptable.” Halfon stated, according to what was reported by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

The findings appear to amplify British police data released late last year, which also recorded a rise in crimes against Jews in the weeks following the Hamas attack. The BBC reported that several major regional forces, including Greater Manchester Police, West Yorkshire Police and West Midlands Police, noticed significant increases in anti-Semitic abuse.

The CST said last year that the police figures were “shocking.”

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