
Ben Gwire: Israeli withdrawal from northern Gaza is a serious and dangerous misinformation

Israeli figures have expressed concern about what they say are attempts by the Islamic resistance movement (agitation) to regain control of the North Gaza StripHe is considered the Israeli Minister of National Security itama ben gvir Withdrawing troops from the area would be a “grave and dangerous mistake.”

Army Radio said on Tuesday that there is a worrying trend among Israel's security establishment that Hamas is trying to restore its civilian capabilities in the northern Gaza Strip.

The station added that following the end of ground exercises in the northern Gaza Strip, Israeli security services admitted that Hamas was trying to return local police to the area and take control of it.

Today, Tuesday, Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir severely criticized the decision to withdraw troops from the northern Gaza Strip and called for the occupation of the Strip.

The leader of the far-right Jewish Power party posted on the X platform, “This is a cabinet “Time and again (the mini-cabinet) made the wrong decisions, causing damage.”

Ben Gvir added: “The decision by the Israeli army to withdraw its troops from the Hamas center in the Gaza Strip is a serious and dangerous mistake that will lead to loss of life.”

He continued, “This morning's rocket fire into Netivot from the area that Israeli forces left yesterday proves once again that the occupation of the Gaza Strip is necessary to achieve the objectives of the battle.”

Ben Gvir believed that the continuation of the war and the overreach of the political and security administration through the small government (the Council of Ministers of War) was “unacceptable to the Jewish forces,” as he put it.

withdraw an army division

Army Radio said on Monday that the latter had decided to withdraw the 36th Division from the Gaza Strip, while three divisions continued to fight alongside the special forces responsible for Gaza's northern coast.

Israeli forces carried out new incursions on multiple axes in Gaza and northern provinces on Tuesday morning amid clashes with Palestinian resistance factions, hours after the defense minister announced Yoav GalanteIntensive ground operations in the north end.

“In the northern Gaza Strip, this phase will end. In southern Gaza, we will achieve this and it will end very soon,” Galante said of the ground war at a news conference on Monday.

Explaining the third phase of the war, Garratt added: “In both places, the moment will come when we enter the next phase. According to the military, we will adapt our field operations to suit the realities on the ground. The situation, as we have made it clear based on our intelligence information, destroyed the enemy and achieved an achievement.”

The defense minister did not say whether the ground operation north of the Gaza Strip had actually achieved its goal of eliminating Hamas.

But in turn, Israeli Army Radio stated that, for example, humanitarian aid trucks arriving in the northern Gaza Strip actually all arrived in the hands of Hamas.

“Given the vacuum created in the area, Hamas is working to regain control of the area,” she said.

The station believes that the main concern of the security agencies is that Hamas may also succeed in restoring its military capabilities in the region.

She said: “The events of the last day in the northern Gaza Strip are shocking. In Beit Lahiya, the Israeli army seized 60 rockets ready for launch, and at the beach camp, the army killed nine militants. Yesterday, the Israeli army The army killed nine militants. “Under the cover of the Gaza Strip, about 10 missiles were fired from Beit Hanoun towards Sderot.”

Army Radio military correspondent Doron Kadosh asked: “Isn't the decision to switch to targeted attacks in the northern Gaza Strip early? It would be better to leave the entire division to conduct large-scale exercises in the area without reducing its strength.” ? “

Kadosh added: “Why are we talking about the next day when this day already exists in the northern Gaza Strip?”

The Israeli army has been waging a devastating war against Gaza since October 7 last year. As of Tuesday, 24,285 people have been martyred, 61,154 injured, and more than 85% of the population of the Gaza Strip (about 1.9 million people) have been displaced. According to the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations.

Israel has set three goals for the war: overthrowing Hamas rule in Gaza, eliminating its military capabilities, and repatriating Israeli prisoners from Gaza, but so far it has not announced the achievement of any of these goals.

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