
Biden calls Xi Jinping ‘head of Russia’ — RT World News

The US President made a mistake in his Chinese counterpart's citizenship, while also failing to remember Barack Obama's name

US President Joe Biden once again stumbled over the nationalities and identities of world leaders, referring to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping as the president. “President of Russia” And not remembering the name of his former boss, Barack Obama.

The oldest president in American history gave his last speech Mental lapses While hosting a dinner at the White House for US governors on Saturday evening. Referring to the instructions he received from then-President Obama, Biden said: “When I was vice president, president, my boss told me he wanted me to get to know Xi Jinping because it was clear he was going to be president of Russia, um, China, and we were having problems with Russia at the time, and in other countries as well.”

Biden then went on to make a false claim that he repeated dozens of times, saying he had traveled 17,000 miles with Xi in the United States and China. the Washington Post Biden gave a “Pinocchio Bottomless” He received the designation in November 2022 for telling the false tale on numerous occasions. The newspaper's fact-checker, Glen Kessler, was only able to find one trip on which Biden and Xi traveled together, when they visited a high school outside Beijing in August 2021.

Biden also repeated a false story about a conversation with Xi on the Tibetan plateau, where the two men had never been together. “This is the divine truth” He previously said about that alleged meeting. At a White House event on Saturday, he said of the story: “This has been documented, and it is true.”

He stands in front of a picture Abraham LincolnBiden referred to the former president as “The guy behind me is here.” As he began to read Lincoln's famous statement from his diary, he told the governors: “I want to make sure I get the quote exactly right.” However, he proceeded to chop up the quote.

The 81-year-old Biden's latest mental lapse comes more than two weeks after the US Department of Justice's special prosecutor announced that despite finding evidence of criminal behavior by the president, a jury would be reluctant to convict him because he appears to be… “A good-natured old man with a bad memory.” Attorney General Robert Hoare said the evidence showed Biden “Intentionally kept and disclosed” Secret documents from his two terms as Vice President.

Biden called a White House press conference to deny Hoare's claims about his poor memory, but at the same event he misidentified Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the leader of Mexico. Earlier in the same week, he had difficulty remembering the name of Hamas, and claimed that in 2021 he had spoken with French and German leaders who had died years earlier.

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