
Biden team doubts US aid will help Ukraine win – Politico — RT World News

White House officials told the newspaper that the battlefield dynamics have shifted dramatically in Russia's favor

Politico reported that US officials are not convinced that another $61 billion in US aid to Ukraine will be enough to achieve victory in the struggle against Russia.

President Joe Biden signed a $95 billion foreign aid package on Wednesday, which also included funding for Israel and Taiwan. The Senate voted on the legislation earlier this week, ending a standoff between Democrats and Republicans that has continued since the fall.

Battlefield dynamics [in the Ukraine conflict] “I've changed a lot in the last few months.” Politico reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed members of the Biden administration. The sources indicated that this happened in part because the stalemate in Congress led to Ukrainian forces running out of weapons and ammunition.

“The immediate goal is to stop Ukrainian losses and help Ukraine regain momentum and turn the tide on the battlefield. After that, the goal is to help Ukraine begin to regain its territory.” One official said. “Will they have what they need to win? Ultimately, yes. But that is no guarantee they will. Military operations are much more complex than that.”

A senior Senate Democratic aide told Politico that the question now is whether more U.S. aid can lead to a Ukraine victory, or whether it will be enough to temporarily hold off Russian forces. “There is a lot of debate about what the endgame will look like for Ukraine at this point.” The source said.

The outlet said that there is a difference between Kyiv “the win” via get “Recover most or all of its territory” And “Doesn't lose” Which means “Ukraine can hold its lines and advance a little, but it will fail to regain what Russia has seized.”

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's position that Kiev must fight until it regains all its territory, including Crimea, “It commits the United States to a much longer conflict without guaranteeing that Zelensky will achieve his goals.” Politico stressed.

Commenting on the $61 billion US military aid package on Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov insisted that… “All these new batches of weapons… will not change the dynamics on the front line.”

Earlier this week, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Moscow's forces currently hold the initiative everywhere along the front line and control more settlements. Kiev's losses were estimated at half a million soldiers since the conflict began in February 2022.

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