
Blinken reiterates support for Israel, Galante calls on him to pressure Iran News

U.S. Secretary of State Re-elected Antony BlinkenToday, Tuesday, his country stood by Israel, stressing its right to defend itself and prevent a repeat of the attacks of 7 October.

In today's meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Blinken stresses 'importance' of Israel avoiding harming more Palestinian civilians as it continues aggression against Palestinian territories Gaza Strip.

U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Blinken “reaffirmed support for Israel's right to prevent a recurrence of the terrorist attacks that occurred on October 7 and emphasized the importance of avoiding further harm to civilians and protecting Gaza's civilian infrastructure.”

This is despite the fact that, as of Monday, Israel had killed more than 23,000 Palestinians and injured 58,926, mostly children and women, in its aggression against the Gaza Strip, causing massive damage to infrastructure and causing An unprecedented humanitarian disaster. disaster.

In the West Bank and Gaza Strip

In addition to the Gaza Strip, the occupying authorities are deliberately destroying the infrastructure of the West Bank towns they raid every day, deliberately killing Palestinians, including children, and arresting dozens of people every day under various pretexts.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken “and an expanded meeting with the War Management Council will follow,” the Israeli Prime Minister's Office said in a brief statement.

The meeting was held at the Israeli Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, but the statement did not explain the reasons for the bilateral meeting.

Blinken also previously met in Tel Aviv with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and President Isaac Herzog.

Gallant (left) stresses that Khan Younis' battle tempo will intensify (French)

Put pressure on Iran

Against this background, Israeli Defense Minister Galante called for increasing pressure on Iran to prevent the escalation of the regional situation when meeting with Blinken.

Galante added that our priority on the northern front is to return residents to their homes after changing the current security situation and preventing Hezbollah attacks.

He stressed that fighting in Khan Younis will intensify and will continue until leaders of the Hamas movement arrive and Israeli detainees return.

Blinken arrived in Tel Aviv yesterday evening on his fifth trip since the war broke out in early October, a trip that also includes Turkey, Greece, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the occupied West Bank and Egypt.

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