
Bomb attack on Israeli parade in Jenin, killing 6 Palestinians


A bomb attacks the entrance to an Israeli parade, killing six Palestinian youths Jenin city In the northern West Bank, Al Jazeera reporters reported.

Palestinian medical sources said an Israeli drone bombing in Jenin killed several Palestinians and injured many others.

Earlier, Al Jazeera journalists reported that explosions were heard in the center of Jenin, coinciding with clashes between resistance fighters and occupation forces.

Occupation forces attacked the city of Jenin, and armed clashes immediately broke out between them and Palestinian resistance fighters in several areas of the city.

An occupation Apache helicopter bombed the conflict zone as Palestinian resistance fighters faced off against Israeli forces attacking Jenin from the northern and southern entrances.

Armed clashes broke out between resistance fighters and occupation soldiers in several areas of the city, with Israeli military vehicles driving toward the Jabriat neighborhood overlooking the Jenin refugee camp.

Al Jazeera correspondent Guevara Badiri said the armed clashes stopped after Palestinian resistance fighters detonated explosive devices on occupation vehicles in the Jabriat neighborhood, destroying some vehicles.

Al Jazeera reporters said occupying forces used Apache helicopters to bomb the area.

Occupying forces also attacked the town of Yabad, west of Jenin, where Palestinian resistance fighters opened fire on an occupying infantry unit and threw homemade bombs at several military vehicles.

Occupying soldiers responded by shooting randomly at some citizens.

Tulkarm attack

In Tulkarm Governorate, three Palestinians were injured when occupying forces attacked the town of Zeta in the north of the province, while the Palestinian Red Crescent Society announced that four Palestinians were injured by bullets fired by Israeli occupying forces. One of them was injured. Clashes that broke out in the towns of Barra and Anabta in the east of the province were described as serious.

Local sources said occupation forces raided the neighborhoods, deployed there to arrest what they called wanted criminals, and were stationed in the center of Barra town. Confrontations erupted among Palestinians in response to the attack. The occupying forces destroyed and burned the men. a commercial store and fired a sonic bomb at it before retreating.

Confrontation in Nablus

Confrontations also broke out between Palestinian youths and occupying forces in the village of Akrabah, southeast of Nablus.

Israeli occupation forces earlier attacked the Old City of Nablus and its surrounding areas, and violent clashes broke out between the occupation forces and Palestinian resistance fighters who tried to counter the attack.

The occupying forces withdrew from the city after destroying the printing press of a university professor who had been held in an occupied prison for two months. Less than half an hour after withdrawing, they returned and attacked the city, heading towards the Old City.

Hebron Raid

And in a province HebronOccupying forces attacked the city of Doura, the Samoud mountain area of ​​Massafer Yata and the town of Baninaim in eastern Hebron, and began raiding and searching civilian homes.

Occupying forces opened fire on an ambulance belonging to the People's Service Committee in Al Arub camp, north of Hebron.

In this case, a video clip shows an armed settler searching and detaining a Palestinian citizen in the Jaber neighborhood (central Hebron) in full view of Israeli occupation soldiers in the area.

Qalqiliya and Jerusalem

Occupation forces also raided the city of Qalqiliya in the northern West Bank, raiding several neighborhoods in the city and arresting a number of young people.

Armed confrontations have also broken out with Palestinian resistance fighters, and occupation forces are still besieging several neighborhoods on the pretext of searching for wanted criminals.

An Al Jazeera reporter said that two Palestinians were wounded by bullets fired by Israeli occupying forces during clashes in the town of Qatana, northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

Local sources said occupation forces raided some houses, destroyed their contents and launched mass arrests of young people, who were then investigated.

Increase in prisoner population

The number of Palestinians arrested by Israeli forces in the West Bank has increased to 5,680 since October 7, with 20 people arrested from Friday night to Saturday night.

The Palestinian Authority for Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners (Government) and the Palestinian Prisoners Club (Non-Government) issued a joint statement stating that the number of Palestinians arrested by the occupying forces after October 7 last year increased to 5,680.

According to both agencies, the occupying forces continued to conduct widespread raids and harassment during arrest operations, severely beating and threatening detainees and their families, in addition to extensive vandalism and destruction of citizens' homes.

According to the prisoner institution's annual report, as of the end of December 2023, the total number of prisoners reached approximately 8,800, including more than 80 female prisoners.

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