
China comments on Swiss-proposed Ukraine peace talks — RT World News

Beijing is considering participating in the proposed peace conference, according to its ambassador in Bern

Beijing's ambassador to Bern, Wang Shihting, told the Neue Zürcher Zeitung daily newspaper on Monday that China is considering the possibility of participating in the proposed Swiss-hosted peace conference on the Ukrainian conflict.

Last month, Switzerland announced plans to organize a peace summit to be held “By summer.” No specific date has been set, and the list of participants has not been revealed. However, Ukraine has indicated that Russia can only be invited if it previously agrees to a set of preconditions.

Beijing is reportedly seeking to invite Moscow to the peace talks, with Wang saying on Monday that all parties must be involved to end the ongoing conflict.

He added: “The crisis must be prevented from worsening or even getting out of control.” The envoy said, noting that China has already put forward a strategy for a political end to the conflict, adding that Beijing is following the Swiss proposal and is considering participation.

He stressed the need to respect the territorial sovereignty of all countries and adhere to the United Nations Charter. Wang stressed. He added: “We must support Russia and Ukraine's resumption of direct dialogue as soon as possible so that the situation can gradually calm down.” The diplomat recommended.

Moscow has called for the proposed peace conference plan “Pointless” She indicated that she does not intend to participate, even if she is officially invited.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said last week that the proposed forum would be dedicated to promoting Zelensky's “peace formula,” which Moscow has criticized as unrealistic.

Zelensky's plan includes the complete withdrawal of Russian forces and a return to Ukraine's 1991 borders, holding Moscow accountable and forcing it to pay compensation, among other conditions. Kiev's basic demands remain the same, while legitimate Russian interests are ignored, according to Zakharova. She insisted that Switzerland had “Lost” Its status is neutral and it cannot serve as a platform for peacekeeping efforts.

Ukraine's Western backers insist that a peace settlement can only be achieved on Kiev's terms and have pledged to continue delivering arms to Ukraine. “Whatever it takes.” At the same time, Russia stressed that no amount of foreign aid would change the course of the conflict.

Peace negotiations were held between Moscow and Kiev in Istanbul in the spring of 2022, but they collapsed, as each party accused the other of making unrealistic demands. Russian President Vladimir Putin has since said that the Ukrainian delegation initially agreed to some of Moscow's conditions, but suddenly backed away from the agreement.

The Kremlin said it remained open to discussions, but only if Kiev conceded “The reality on the ground.”

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