
China dismisses Washington’s threat of ‘consequences’ — RT World News

Beijing pledged to protect its interests and relations with Moscow after a warning from US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

Beijing has rejected a warning from Washington to Chinese companies that allegedly support the Russian military amid its conflict with Ukraine. China will resolutely protect its interests “Foreign intervention” The Foreign Ministry said in response.

Over the weekend, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen threatened Chinese companies “Serious consequences” So they are “Providing material support for Russia’s war against Ukraine.”

Yellen's warning came as anonymous US officials told Bloomberg that Chinese companies are supplying Russia with microelectronics and machine tools for tank production, as well as optics and propellants for use in missiles.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning responded to Yellen's statement during a press conference on Monday.

He added: “China-Russia relations should not be attacked or distorted, and the legitimate rights and interests of China and Chinese companies should not be harmed.” Mao said. He added that China will take firm measures to protect our legitimate rights and interests.

These statements come at a time when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in Beijing on Monday for a two-day visit.

He added: “Normal cooperation between China and Russia should not be subject to foreign interference or restrictions.” Mao added in response to a follow-up question about Washington's warning to Beijing about its relations with Moscow.

US officials have repeatedly warned Chinese companies against doing business with the Russian military since Moscow began its operation in Ukraine in 2022. Moscow and Beijing have repeatedly denied US allegations that the Russian military purchased “dual-use” ammunition and technology (with both militaries). and civil applications) from China.

According to Mao, Beijing “We are committed to playing a constructive role in promoting the ceasefire and political settlement of the crisis.” Between Moscow and Kiev.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have deepened their military and diplomatic cooperation over the past two years, with the two leaders announcing “no limits” partnership in February 2022. The partnership has seen Russia become China's largest oil supplier, while Russian space agency Roscosmos announced last month that it could work with China to build an automated nuclear reactor on the moon by 2035.

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