
Vatican speaks out against sex-change surgery — RT World News

The Holy See described this measure as “threatening the unique dignity” that a person receives from the moment of conception

Gender confirmation surgery and surrogacy represent major threats to the dignity of human life, on a par with abortion and euthanasia, the Catholic Church declared in its latest doctrinal memorandum.

Pope Francis has previously referred to transgender people as a phenomenon 'Dangerous ideology' Claiming to be part of a “World War” Against marriage and family.

Meanwhile, in recent months the Vatican has relaxed its rules somewhat, allowing priests to issue blessings to same-sex couples outside of religious rites or liturgies, although not legalizing what is still called “Irregular cases.”

Last November, the Catholic Church also clarified that transgender believers may receive the sacrament of baptism, serve as witnesses at wedding ceremonies, and serve as godparents, provided that this does not lead to “Public scandal.”

Monday in a paper titled “The Doctrine of Faith.” Endless dignity “On human dignity,” the Holy See stated that people must accept their lives and bodies as human beings “A gift from God.” As such, any attempts to change this are tantamount to playing God, the document declares.

The Vatican also argued that gender theory aimed to deny sex “The greatest possible difference that exists between organisms: sexual difference.”

“It follows that any sex reassignment intervention, as a rule, threatens to threaten the unique dignity that the person has received from the moment of conception.” The document has been added.

The paper distinguishes between transmission through selection and cases where surgery is performed on infected individuals “Reproductive abnormalities that are already present at birth or that develop later.”

The Holy See has argued that gender theory plays a role “central role” As it is termed “Ideological colonialism.”

However, the document, which is said to have been five years in the making, also targets the countries where it is located “People are imprisoned, tortured and even deprived of a good life just because of their sexual orientation.” Such practices “It is incompatible with human dignity” Church said.

Another alleged threat mentioned in the paper is surrogacy, which it describes as the transfer of children to… “mere beings” Depriving them of their inalienable right “To have entirely human origin (and not artificially induced).”

Surrogacy “Violates women’s dignity.” Which ends up happening “It is separated from the child in which it grows and becomes a mere instrument subject to the arbitrary gain or desire of others.” claimed.

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