
China reiterates support for Palestinian statehood and demands lasting ceasefire in Gaza

Chinese President Re-elected Xi Jinping Today, Thursday, he highlighted China’s support for the Palestinians’ efforts to establish a state, while the Chinese Foreign Ministry called for the immediate establishment of a “sustainable humanitarian truce” between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Islamic Resistance Movement).agitation) and Israel.

China News Agency (Xinhua News Agency) quoted Xi Jinping’s speech at a meeting to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, saying that “the essence of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the delay in realizing the legitimate national rights” of the Palestinian people’s desire to establish an independent state. “

The painful lessons of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict cycle fully illustrate that only by adhering to a common security concept can sustainable security be achieved.

He called on the Security Council to assume its responsibilities and work hard to stop fighting, protect civilians, and end humanitarian disasters. He stressed that the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks should be resumed as soon as possible and the Palestinian people’s rights to statehood, survival and return should be restored as soon as possible.

Wang Yi believes that the two-state solution is the only way to fundamentally resolve the Palestinian issue (France)

two state solution

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said late Wednesday that a two-state solution was the only way to fundamentally resolve the Palestinian issue.

When Wang Yi met with reporters after presiding over the high-level meeting of the Security Council on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, he emphasized that there is no lack of grand plans and slogans to solve the Palestinian issue, but a lack of courage and measures to defend justice.

On this occasion, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Hamas and Israel to immediately establish a “sustainable humanitarian truce” and called for the strengthening of diplomatic mediation and the resumption of a two-state solution.

“Parties to the conflict must…immediately establish a permanent and sustainable humanitarian truce,” the ministry said in a document released today. Gaza Stripcalling for “a comprehensive ceasefire and an end to the fighting.”

In the document, the ministry urged the UN Security Council to send a “clear message” confirming its rejection of “the forced transfer of Palestinian civilians” and called for the “release of all detained civilians and hostages”.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also called on the Security Council to “require all parties to the conflict to exercise restraint, prevent the expansion of the conflict, and support peace and stability in the Middle East.”

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the document when China assumed the rotating presidency of the Security Council, calling on the Security Council to formulate a realistic timetable and road map for a two-state solution to achieve a “comprehensive, just and lasting” solution to the Palestinian issue.

The document states that the 15-member Security Council must strengthen diplomatic mediation, restart the two-state solution, and convene a “more reliable and effective” international peace conference as soon as possible.

On October 7, the Qassam Brigades, the military branch of the Hamas movement, launched “Operation”.al aqsa floods“Israel launched a devastating war in the Gaza Strip that lasted for approximately 50 days and resulted in more than 15,000 martyrs, mostly children and women, in addition to the massive destruction of civilian, public, service and infrastructure buildings.

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