
Israeli troops open fire at Palestinian civilians amid ceasefire

The news agency reported that at least two people died during the incident

Israeli soldiers shot Palestinian civilians trying to return to their homes in northern Gaza shortly after the start of a four-day truce between Israel and Hamas, an Associated Press journalist reported from the scene. The Israeli army had previously warned displaced Gazans against trying to move to the north of the Strip.

The news agency claimed on Friday that at least two people were killed and 11 others were injured during the incident.

An Israeli military spokesman told the Haaretz newspaper that reports of Israeli army forces using live ammunition against Palestinians are being investigated.

According to the newspaper, the number of wounded were civilians “Israeli fire” Haaretz added that their number during their attempt to reach northern Gaza reached 15 people. They were transferred to Deir al-Balah Hospital in central Gaza to receive treatment.

The Times of Israel also reported that some people were trying to exit the southern part of the Strip. However, she said the Israeli army used riot dispersal means to force them back.

Shortly after the truce began at 7 a.m. local time, the Israeli military began dropping leaflets into Gaza warning local residents not to return to their homes in the northern part of the Strip.

The Israeli army’s Arab media spokesman, Avichay Adraee, also addressed the Palestinians on the X website (formerly Twitter), reminding them that despite the ceasefire, “The war is not over yet. The humanitarian truce is temporary. The northern Gaza Strip is a dangerous war zone and movement northward is prohibited.” Adraee stressed that those still in northern Gaza should instead take advantage of the truce to head south via the Salah al-Din Road.

The ceasefire agreement calls on Hamas to release at least 50 of the approximately 240 hostages it held during the October 7 attack, and calls on Israel to release approximately 150 of its Palestinian prisoners. The first exchange, which is said to include 13 Israeli women and children and 39 Palestinian girls and teenagers, is expected to take place on Friday.

The Qatari Foreign Ministry, which helped broker the agreement, said the Israeli military also pledged to stop its air strikes on southern Gaza, stop its daily attacks for six hours on the northern part of the Strip and allow aid into Gaza. It has been reported that the first trucks carrying humanitarian aid have already begun entering Gaza from Egypt.

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