
China responds to WHO fears of mystery child illness — RT World News

Officials in Beijing attributed the outbreak of respiratory diseases in children to known pathogens

Chinese authorities have allayed World Health Organization concerns about a rise in respiratory illness in children, saying the outbreak only involves known pathogens and likely stems from the lifting of coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Officials with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention responded to the WHO’s inquiry on Thursday, providing requested data on recent cases of pneumonia and other respiratory diseases in children. “Chinese authorities report that no unusual or new pathogens or unusual clinical symptoms have been detected.” The World Health Organization said in a statement.

The data confirmed an increase in hospital admissions for children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a common bacterial infection, as well as adenoviruses, influenza and other common pathogens. “Some of these increases occurred earlier in the season than historically, but are not unexpected, given that COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, as has similarly occurred in other countries.” The World Health Organization said.

Media reports suggested that a surge in respiratory illnesses had overwhelmed medical facilities in northern China, but Chinese officials told the World Health Organization that the rise in patient movement had not exceeded hospital capacity. Authorities in Beijing also indicated that they had expanded surveillance for respiratory diseases, including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, which may have contributed to an increase in reported cases since mid-October.

Reports of an outbreak of respiratory illness in children in China have raised concerns about a possible mysterious illness or emerging pandemic. For example, both COVID-19 and SARS were initially reported as unusual types of pneumonia. SARS broke out in southern China in 2002.

Dr Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia in the UK, said the fact that lung nodules were seen on chest X-rays of patients in the latest outbreak in China suggests… “The cause is bacterial, not viral.” He added that a few cases have been reported in adults, suggesting that the infection is caused by common pathogens to which they were previously exposed.

“In general, it does not seem to me that this is an epidemic caused by a new virus.” Hunter He said In the current situation. “If that were the case, I would expect to see more infections among adults.” Because China has been imposing strict restrictions on the coronavirus in recent years, children have acquired relatively little immunity to common pathogens that are currently spreading.

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