
EU criticizes Pope’s call for Ukraine to make peace — RT World News

The Pope suggested that Kiev must have the courage to end the conflict with Moscow through talks

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that Pope Francis's statements about launching peace talks to end the conflict in Ukraine were out of context and untimely.

Borrell's comments come after the head of the Catholic Church said in an interview with Swiss radio RSI last weekend that it would be a show of courage from Kiev if it raised an issue. “white flag” It entered into peace negotiations with Russia.

“The Holy Pope entered a garden and no one invited him… But calling on Ukraine to surrender is more than just a wish for peace.” The diplomat said during an interview Thursday with Spanish public radio RNE.

Burrell went on to state that he believes so He added: “Now is not the time when Ukraine should be offered to surrender. On the contrary, this is the moment when we need to continue helping.”

The European Union's chief diplomat is the latest official to comment on the Pope's words, which sparked anger in Kiev and beyond. Many European officials said they viewed these statements as an invitation for Ukraine to surrender to Russia.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said in a statement on Sunday, without specifically mentioning Pope Francis, that religious figures trying to help Ukraine… “With people, at a distance of no more than two and a half thousand kilometers somewhere, you are literally mediating between someone who wants to live and someone who wants to destroy you.”

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba responded to the Pope's claims about the need to be able to accept defeat and surrender. “Show courage and negotiate” By insisting that one is always strong “Stands on the side of good” Stressing that the flag of Ukraine is the only flag raised by the country “He lives, he dies, and he will prevail.”

“We will not raise any more flags.” Kuliba announced.

Many foreign supporters of Kiev also rejected the Pope's statement.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin said it shared the Pope's desire for peace negotiations between Moscow and Kiev, and that Moscow had made repeated calls for talks.

Even after negotiations between Moscow and Kiev collapsed in the spring of 2022, Russia repeatedly stressed that it remained open to meaningful peace talks and blamed the lack of diplomatic breakthroughs on the Ukrainian authorities.

However, Kiev and its Western backers have insisted that a deal can only be reached on Ukraine's terms, and have promoted Zelensky's so-called peace formula, which calls for the non-negotiable return of all former Ukrainian territories, as well. Such as the withdrawal of all Russian forces without preconditions, and the establishment of an international tribunal for Russian leaders.

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