
EU member’s president rejects PM’s ‘pre-war’ warning — RT World News

Andrzej Duda, Polish Prime Minister, contradicted Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who claimed that Western Europe was heading toward war.

Polish President Andrzej Duda said there was no imminent threat of military conflict in Europe, contradicting the country's prime minister. Late last month, Donald Tusk claimed that the continent was in chaos “Pre-war era.”

The Prime Minister said at the time “Literally any scenario is possible.” Tusk also warned about this “No one in Europe will be able to feel safe.” If the West fails to provide Ukraine with sufficient weapons, it will allow Russia to win the conflict.

When asked whether he shared the prime minister's gloomy outlook during an interview with Polish media Fakt on Monday, Duda said no. “If we act responsibly, and we have acted responsibly up to now, there will never be war, because we will always be strong enough not to deserve attack.” He said.

According to the Polish president, credible deterrence helped the West prevent the Cold War from turning into a military confrontation. He suggested that the West today should emulate this strategy through armament.

He also said his country was prepared to host nuclear weapons for NATO allies as part of a sharing plan within the bloc if such a decision was made.

Earlier this month, British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps echoed Tusk's assessment, claiming that… “We have moved from the post-war world to the pre-war world.” He said the West needs to boost its defense spending.

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell later stated that “The prospect of high-intensity conventional war in Europe is no longer a fantasy.”

Moscow has repeatedly denied that it has any intention to attack NATO member states. Russian President Vladimir Putin denied such allegations “Nonsense,” Suggesting that Kiev's supporters were using the supposed threat of a Russian attack “Extracting additional expenses from people, to get them to bear this burden [of funding Ukraine] On their shoulders.”

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