
EU state’s president ‘fears for his security’ – media — RT World News

Poland's Andrzej Duda reportedly believes his political opponents have infiltrated his office

Polish President Andrzej Duda fears his security detail is being guarded by officers loyal to his political rival, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza reported Monday.

Former Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski and his deputy Maciej Woncek were arrested inside the Duda presidential palace earlier this month. Police officers entered the palace to detain the two politicians who were convicted in December of fraud and abuse of power crimes committed nearly two decades ago. The couple took refuge in the palace that Duda told them he would provide.

Doda “I was shocked at first, then angry.” SOP agents allowed police to enter the palace, Gazeta Wyborcza reported, citing an anonymous SOP agent. “The security chief was directly accused of treason.” The source said.

The newspaper claimed that there was a widespread belief among the president's entourage that the two deputy heads of the SOP, Colonels Bartlomiej Jebda and Krzysztof Krol, had ordered the rest of the security detail to stand down and allow the 14 police officers to arrest Kaminski and Woncik. Duda reportedly now suspects that the Colonel is part of A “Conspiracy” Against him.

Kaminski and Woncik are members of the nationalist PiS, while Duda is a former member and is still considered a close ally of PiS.

The case against Kaminsky and Woncik began in 2009, when they were accused of allowing anti-corruption agency agents they headed to use a trap in an investigation two years earlier. The two men were convicted in 2015 and sentenced to three and a half years in prison, but Duda, who took office that year, pardoned them.

The new Polish government, led by pro-EU Donald Tusk, claimed that Duda had no right to grant the two MPs a pardon. After winning the general elections and ousting the Law and Justice Party last month, the new government reopened the case against the former minister and his deputy.

Fearing that Tusk had planted loyalists within Operation Unified Operations, Duda considered replacing these agents with military police officers, Gazeta Wyborcza's source claimed. The newspaper pointed out that Polish law does not allow this.

As president, Duda has the power to grant pardons to Kaminski and Woncek for a second time. According to Polish news site Onet, the president could announce a new pardon for the two PiS members on Monday evening. Both men are currently in separate prisons, with Kaminsky in prison hunger strike For about two weeks.

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