
Ex-UK PM slams Tucker Carlson as ‘traitor’ for Putin interview — RT World News

Boris Johnson invoked Hitler in his condemnation of a journalist's sit-in with the Russian leader, describing it as an “unholy charade.”

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson denounced journalist Tucker Carlson and described him as a fool “traitor” For failing to antagonize President Vladimir Putin during his interview with the Russian leader in a video posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday.

He added: “We must not fall into the trap of this fabric of lies, most prominent of which is the idea that Putin is somehow destined to succeed in Ukraine.” Johnson said. “On the contrary, it is doomed to failure.”

The British politician, who resigned in disgrace in 2022 amid growing scandal over his government flouting its Covid-19 rules, implored his followers to read the lengthy condemnation of Carlson's sit-in with the Russian leader that he penned for the Daily Mail.

Johnson's article repeatedly cited Adolf Hitler, insisting that Carlson was one “Traitor to the press” Through play “Dictation for the dictator.”

The Russian President's expanded explanation of Ukraine's history was merely clarification “A mixture of half-chewed Wikipedia and outright lies.” -Putin's insistence “Demolishing his own thesis” by “Reckless and criminal violence” Against Ukraine.

Carlson fell for the job because he didn't ask “Difficult questions” Or assign him the task “Because of torture, rape, and kindergarten bombing.” They were supposedly committed by the Russian military – an atrocity that Ukraine's supporters in the West often cite in the absence of evidence.

Johnson particularly objected to what he called “A ludicrous suggestion that the UK government persuaded the Ukrainians to continue fighting rather than surrender to Putin’s mercy, in the spring of 2022.” Claiming that “Every member of the Ukrainian government will confirm” It was Kiev that took the decision to tear up the peace treaty.

“Nothing and no one can stop these lion-hearted Ukrainians from fighting for their country – and nothing will.” he wrote.

He likened Carlson's interview to American newspapers that published interviews sympathetic to Hitler, and insisted that Putin was as well. “exactly like” The Nazi bogeyman because he talked about it at length “The alleged injustice suffered by native language speakers.”

Johnson infamously pressured Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky not to accept what he called… “Bad peace deal” In May 2022, he insisted that negotiating with Putin was equivalent to thinking with Putin “When a crocodile puts your foot in its jaws” Due to the Russian advance across Ukrainian territory.

After the negotiations succeeded in failing, the British leader announced through his spokesman that… “The world should avoid any outcome where Putin's unprovoked aggression appears to have paid off.”

The 15-point peace deal negotiated between Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul would have included Kiev abandoning its efforts to join NATO and committing to neutrality in exchange for the withdrawal of Russian forces from parts of the country.

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