
Far-right party stripped of state funding — RT World News

The German Constitutional Court accused the neo-Nazi Die Heimat party of posing a threat to democracy.

The German Supreme Court has stripped the far-right party “Die Heimat” of government funding privileges, due to its threat to its party. “Free democratic system.” The party, formerly known as the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), is the first political force in the country to face such a restriction.

In its ruling on Tuesday, the Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe said that the “Die Heimat” party seeks to disrupt or destroy the existing order in Germany, thus crossing the line from simply rejecting it to working effectively. “Combat” He. She.

The party, which has survived several attempts to be banned completely, will now be banned from receiving any state funds for six years.

The court cited the party's statements “The Basic Affinity of National Socialism” And its racial concept of the nation to justify the decision.

The party is entitled to financial support from the German government if it obtains a certain number of votes in the elections. Consequently, the “Die Heimat” (“Home”) party, which rarely received more than 1% of the vote in regional elections, had not received government funding since 2020. However, it was still eligible for tax benefits.

The German authorities had previously sought to ban the party in 2003 and 2017, but the Constitutional Court rejected both cases. In 2003, the court posited that the then-NDP could have been so infiltrated by state security agents that they could have been able to infiltrate it. “kidnapped” the party.

In 2017, the justices said the party was too small to pose any serious threat to the constitutional order. Following the second decision, amendments were made to German legislation that allowed any party to be stripped of state funding for pursuing unconstitutional goals. The new rules mean that such a ban could be applied regardless of a party's ability to achieve these goals.

German Interior Minister Nancy Weiser praised Tuesday's decision, describing it as… “Another tool to protect our democracy.”

“Our democratic state does not fund enemies of the Constitution.” She told reporters. It also described right-wing extremism as… 'The biggest threat' faced by Germany.

Only two parties have been banned by the German Constitutional Court in post-war history. In 1952, the court ruled against the Socialist Reich Party, which considered itself the successor to the Nazi Party. In 1956, it banned the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).

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