
Outgoing Dutch PM’s party refuses far-right coalition — RT World News

Talks to form a new Dutch coalition government led by Geert Wilders are expected to continue over the next year

The political party to which outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte belongs has ruled out having a role in the next Dutch government after the shock victory of anti-immigration candidate Geert Wilders in the elections, its leader said.

In a blow to Wilders’ hopes of forming a coalition government, Dylan Jeselgos, leader of the center-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, said on Friday that the party would not enter into formal talks with Wilders’ party. For Freedom (PVV). However, Yeselgoz indicated that her party may support Wilders in some specific political votes in parliament.

Coalition talks involving Wilders’ party and other members of the divided Dutch political scene are still ongoing after the results of Wednesday’s general elections reflected a seismic shift in the country’s political discourse. Wilders, whose party won 37 seats out of 150, cannot form a government alone and will ask potential coalition partners to join forces if he wants to succeed Rutte as prime minister.

However, any successful talks will require signing some of his most controversial policy pledges. Wilders had previously announced that he would not support this “Islamic schools, Qurans, and mosques.” VVD’s Yeselgoz noted that one potential coalition partner is the center-right New Social Contract party.

“The big winners are the Freedom Party and the National Security Council.” According to what was reported by the Dutch NOS radio today, Friday. “But we will make the formation of a center-right government possible. “We will support constructive proposals, and this is a form of tolerance.”

In response to Yesilgoz on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, Wilders said he was “Compassion” She and her party are not interested in a political alliance. “I hope they change their minds because judgment is better than tolerance.”

Among other potential coalition partners to form a Wilders-led government, the Farmers and Citizens’ Movement (BBB) ​​has said it would be willing to join the Freedom Party in government. The agricultural party, which was founded in 2019 after widespread farmer protests in the Netherlands, holds a large number of seats in the Senate which can be used to block legislation from being passed.

Coalition talks are expected to take months to reach a conclusion. It took 299 days to form the last Dutch government.

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