
Female suspect behind Lakewood Church shooting killed – police — RT World News

Houston's top law enforcement official said the attacker was shot and killed by two off-duty officers

The attacker who opened fire inside a packed evangelical church in Houston, Texas, on Sunday was a woman who entered the building with a young child, police said on Sunday. They confirmed that the shooter was killed at the scene by off-duty officers.

The suspect entered the Lakewood church around 1:53 p.m. local time, wearing a coat and backpack and armed with a long rifle, Houston Police Chief Troy Fenner said. The woman was about 30-35 years old and he was with her “A young child, about 4 to 5 years old.”

At some point during the service, the woman opened fire. Two off-duty officers — a Houston police officer and an agent with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission — shot the attacker, who died at the scene. The child she was with was injured in the exchange of fire.

“Unfortunately, a 5-year-old boy was injured and is in critical condition at our local hospital.” The child's relationship to the shooter is unclear, Fenner said. One of the churchgoers – a 57-year-old man – was shot in the leg and is now also receiving treatment.

According to the police chief, the attacker claimed to have a bomb, but no explosives were found. Fenner did not release any additional information about the shooter or comment on her possible motives.

The average attendance at the church is 45,000 people, according to media. It was founded in 1959 by Reverend John Osteen and is currently run by his son Joel and Joel's wife Victoria.

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