
France warns of ‘economic shock’ from Russian victory — RT World News

Foreign Minister Stefan Segorn said control of fertile land in Ukraine would allow Moscow to “attack” European farmers

French Foreign Minister Stephane Ségourne said a potential Russian victory in Ukraine could deal an economic blow to the West because Moscow would control vast resources.

In an opinion article published in the French daily newspaper Le Monde on Saturday, the minister said that Moscow wants Paris to believe it will be so. “It is reasonable to leave the Ukrainians to their tragic fate.” He protested on this point, saying so “The French are not fools” And there were a few things that 'It will be more controversial' For the country's interests.

In addition to the security risks, a Russian victory would also have strong economic repercussions for the West, Sighorn said. “Allowing Russia to seize Ukrainian black lands, which are among the most fertile in the world, would be tantamount to surrendering part of its food sovereignty, accepting hyperinflation, and providing Russia with unprecedented means of pressure and blackmail.” He said.

The minister pointed out that Ukraine represents 30% of global wheat exports, and claimed that Moscow’s control over those resources would enable it to “Attacking our farmers.” He also said that Europe would be in 'Enormous danger' If Russia is allowed to continue control of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the largest facility of its kind on the continent, without explaining why.

He added: “Europe and the world, the French people will suffer from an unprecedented economic shock.” Sigorn confirmed.

Russian forces seized the power plant in March 2022 shortly after the Ukrainian conflict began. After four former Ukrainian regions, including Zaporozhye, voted to join Russia later the same year, the facility was transferred to state ownership.

Sigorn went on to urge the West to resist “The temptation of fatigue.” He added: “The efforts we are making today to support Ukraine are not compared to those that we must deploy against Russia, which feels victorious.” He insisted that current policies would allow Kiev's supporters to control prices.

Russia has repeatedly warned the West against supporting Ukraine with weapons, warning that this would only prolong the conflict. The Russian military also said last month that it had eliminated dozens of mercenaries in Ukraine, saying most of them spoke French.

While Paris initially denied the presence of any French mercenaries in Ukraine, it later admitted that a number of French citizens had indeed joined Kiev's forces, although it insisted they had no links to the national government.

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