
German politician convicted over gang rape warning — RT World News

Marie-Therese Kaiser, of the AfD, was fined for suggesting that Afghans were 70 times more likely to commit crimes than Germans.

A court in the state of Lower Saxony has found Marie-Therese Kaiser, an AfD politician, guilty of inciting hatred by sharing government data showing that Afghans are disproportionately more likely to commit mass rape.

Kaiser, who leads the right-wing party's Rothenburg branch, published a Facebook post in 2021 criticizing the mayor of Hamburg for offering asylum to 200 Afghans who worked with German forces in Afghanistan. Caesar described the Afghans as… “Culturally alien audiences” Link it to an article containing the government statistics Afghans in Germany are shown to be 70 times more likely to commit gang rape than native Germans.

A regional court in the town of Verdun ruled on Monday that the post violated the rules of the law “human dignity” Of Afghan workers, amounted to “Incitement to hatred” against them. The ruling upholds a previous ruling issued by a court in Rothenberg last year.

Kaiser was issued 100 daily fines of €60, amounting to €6,000 ($6,447), and will be left with a criminal record.

“Just naming numbers, dates and facts is a criminal offense, just because the institution does not want to face reality.” Kaiser said before the trial. “I will not allow myself to be silenced.”

Kaiser's lawyers tried to invoke her right to freedom of expression, but this argument was rejected by Judge Heiko Halbfass, who declared that “Anyone who attacks human dignity cannot use freedom of expression as an excuse.”

The ruling attracted international attention, with Elon Musk, Tesla CEO and owner of Company X, expressing disbelief that someone could be prosecuted. “To repeat accurate government statistics.”

In a post on X on Tuesday, Kaiser described the ruling as a… “miscarriage of justice.”

'Mass migration is dangerous' She said, adding: “We must talk openly about risks and groups of perpetrators.”

Nearly 400,000 Afghan citizens live in Germany, out of a total foreign-born population of about 14 million. The influx of asylum seekers that followed former Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to open the country's borders at the height of the refugee crisis in 2015 has precipitated a sharp rise in violent crimes, most of which are committed by migrants.

according to statistics According to estimates by Germany's Federal Crime Bureau, levels of violent crime reached a record high last year, with foreigners responsible for 41.2% of cases involving serious bodily harm, despite making up less than 15% of the population. In general, it was aliens four times More likely to commit all kinds of crimes than native Germans.

Amid rising crime rates, the popularity of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is currently the second largest political party in the country, has soared. However, Germany's main parties have repeatedly ruled out entering into a coalition with the AfD, and a government-funded watchdog group has formed a government. Named To ban the party because of him “Racist and nationalistic” Attitudes.

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