
UK targets Russian diplomats over ‘malign activity’ — RT World News

London announced that it would expel Moscow's military attaché and strip some Russian-owned property of diplomatic status

British Home Secretary James Cleverly announced a package of sanctions targeting the Russian diplomatic presence in the country in response to what he described as Moscow's interference. “Malicious activity.” He outlined the measures during his speech to Parliament on Wednesday.

Measurements Includes Imposing new restrictions on Russian diplomatic visas, including limiting the length of time Russian diplomats can spend in the UK, and removing diplomatic premises status from many Russia-linked properties in the country. London believes Moscow used properties, including Secaucus Heath in Sussex and the trade and defense department in Highgate, for intelligence purposes.

Cleverly also announced the expulsion of the Russian military attaché, which London designated as a… “Undeclared military intelligence officer.”

The minister said the senior diplomat was recently engaged Arson An attack on a commercial property in London owned by a Ukrainian citizen. While the investigation into this case is still ongoing, Cleverly pointed to other cases “From malicious activities taking place here and abroad.” He gave him enough evidence to take action. These allegedly include several cases in which individuals have been charged with conspiracy to commit espionage activities on behalf of Russia and a number of crimes. “Cyber ​​Activity Incidents” Which the UK blamed on Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB).

He added: “These activities bear all the hallmarks of a deliberate campaign by Russia. We are taking action to send a strong message of deterrence to Russia and to further reduce the ability of Russian intelligence services to threaten the UK. We will stand firm in the face of the Russian threat to the UK and our way of life.” Cleverly announced. He added that London summoned the Russian ambassador to officially inform him of the new measures.

Commenting on Cleverly's announcement, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said this Russia will come with an appropriate response.” She did not explain in detail what this might entail.

The UK has imposed numerous sanctions on Russian companies and individuals since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, with London firmly standing by Kiev. Tensions escalated between London and Moscow earlier this week after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron told Reuters that Ukraine has the right to use long-range missiles provided by his country to attack targets deep inside Russia. The statement prompted Moscow to warn London that if such strikes occurred, it would retaliate against British targets in Ukraine or abroad.

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