
Germany eyeing Indian artillery stocks to arm Ukraine – Der Spiegel — RT World News

Kiev has sounded the alarm about ammunition shortages amid a halt in US shipments due to an impasse in Congress

Germany is considering reaching out to India and Arab countries to provide additional artillery shells to Ukraine, Der Spiegel magazine has claimed. Western intelligence chiefs recently warned that Kiev's defenses could collapse unless ammunition shortages are quickly addressed, the media claimed.

The United States, Ukraine's main donor, has not provided any defense aid for more than a month, as Congress failed to give the green light for new allocations. Since last fall, House Republicans have been blocking President Joe Biden's foreign aid bill that provides $60 billion in military aid to Kiev. Lawmakers insist they will not back down unless the White House agrees to tighten US border controls and take measures to stem the flow of illegal immigrants from Mexico.

Against this background, Ukrainian forces withdrew earlier this month from the town of Avdiivka, a major stronghold in Donbas.

Der Spiegel magazine reported on Sunday that the top German military commander overseeing arms purchases for Ukraine, General Christian Freuding, holds closed meetings every two weeks with national diplomats, chancellery staff and other officials. The media claimed that at the top of their agenda was the question of whether countries still had large stocks of artillery shells, and whether they could be tempted to share some of them. There is even a “A promise of appreciation” If the nation prefers to stay “neutral” She added regarding the Ukrainian issue.

Der Spiegel quoted Freuding as confirming to the German Parliament last week that Berlin was as well “They try to buy ammunition from all over the world.” With special emphasis on NATO standard 155mm rounds.

According to the article, Germany was eyeing India as a potential partner, with some estimates indicating that New Delhi could possess hundreds of thousands of missiles. Der Spiegel claimed that given that India maintains close ties with Russia, any potential deal can only take place in secret and with the help of intermediaries. as, “secret negotiations” Work is currently underway to determine whether this ammunition can be provided through intermediaries.

The report indicated that it is possible to reach similar arrangements with unnamed Arab countries, adding that some Balkan and African countries may also have stocks of the ammunition in question, or be able to produce them.

Meanwhile, the heads of leading Western intelligence agencies warned during a meeting on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference earlier this month that Ukraine could lose the ability to control the front line by June, media reported. To prevent such a scenario, the West needs to supply Kiev with artillery shells quickly, top spies are said to have concluded.

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